arcadesindo's Forum Posts

  • orugari Nothing finded.

  • Scirra not attacked by Heartbleed virus right?

    i'm was scary if scirra attacked too

  • zenox98, rekjl,

    Lol, thanks guys.


    Webstorage only saves players score, and cannot be accessed by other players. Webstorage is not what you think it is. It is saving to players computer only.

    If you want global webstorage, you need an external database, which is going to be far beyond your current skill level. There are tuts on it using mysql (I think) but that is pretty advanced an requires actual programming knowledge.

    I don't understand your highscore1 and highscore2,

    But highscore is highscore and should be over written with new highscore.

    Highscore = 5000

    PlayerScore >= Highscore then Set Highscore = PlayerScore else Leave Highscore = Highscore.

    But like i said, global highscore cannot be stored using anything in construct, you need to use external storage options.


    Global Highscore is players wanting to beat the best score of the game.


    Player wanting to beat his current best score? which you don't need an external database. Because if you just want player competing against his best score then, webstorage will work.

    Edit 2: Added 2 files. One is highscore example. As you can see it stores highscores, but the high scores are not persistent, when you exit game, you loose highscores.

    You need to save them to webstorage to make them persistent.

    So attachment to is something I did for someone else, it is saving gold coins to webstorage.

    Your homework assignment is to make the highscores save to webstorage. Oh, I will not be checking your homework, because in life, you have to be your own teacher and student.

    Saving to external database is too advanced for you, so I am not even going into that.

    i think when i use webstorage,i must use different name with another capx webstorage.

    like my tibiame hops 1 game,thats using webstorage too.. its named highscore,then,i use the same name at another capx,but when i test playing another capx,the score is showed from tibiame hops 1 highscore.

    example :

    TibiaME Hops 1 = Highscore : 200

    Another capx = Highscore : 200 / sometimes it will be NaN

  • > wow? 193 Stable?


    They did it!! They finally invented the time machine!!

    is that really true ? ? ? ?

  • Problem Description

    ____ When I do the event when "music" is not playing (inverted) and the action : Play "anyname" with tag "Music" not looping. It gives me an error that there is a bug____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Tried different conditions
    • Tried to see my other games

    Observed Result

    ____ Error that say javascript couldn't execute "Media" and they say I ust contact developers ____

    Expected Result

    ____ I want to make a game with looping music without the error ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (No)
    • FireFox: (No)
    • Internet Explorer: (No)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ My operating system is Windows 7 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Realease 193 Stable ____

    wow? 193 Stable?

  • What tutorial you using?

    Check the process of storing the highscore. I suspect you will find the problem there.

    Also run it in debug mode and see what is being stored or isn't being stored

    i use Construct 2 video tutorial,and by the way,that's all same with the tutorial.

    and now i have tested it again,i want ask something,Web Storage save all of highscore right?

    and the local key values must different with first time local key?

    ex :

    First time : HighScore

    Second time : HighScore2 => is this problem?

  • > DUTOIT so? how to make it be a number? i've follow every highscore tutorial.


    You've made a mistake. It is not storing any info. Or it is storing as text. Either way, you aren't storing it correctly or calculating it correctly. Redo the tutorials, check your process.

    You ask a lot of help, you ask a lot of capx (please make me a capx to do this), but you still can't master the basics. You are a copy paste programmer, and will never learn until you actually start programming.

    Time to start learning. You made a mistake in your how you store the highstore, or calculate it, or retrieve it.

    Easter is here. Go find the easter egg

    owhh.. i have search it correctly,but nothing finded the error,i will search it again later.


  • DUTOIT so? how to make it be a number? i've follow every highscore tutorial.

  • idk, maybe make it where your speed increases the more coins you get. Or maybe you could add power ups that let you jump higher or destroy enemies/objects in your way. Maybe you could add enemies, platforms that are destroyed after you jump on them, platforms the make you jump higher or lower. You want to make it where the player wants to play your game and make it feel like the accomplish something.

    i'll leave the rest for you to come up with.

    okay,nice idea but i dont know how to make it random and it will appear at the land.

  • Why it become NaN ?

    What is NaN ?

  • Look this Image.

    anyone can make a example capx for me?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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    The licensing for the free edition says you are not allowed to use it for commercial purposes, and selling the .capx is, strictly speaking, a commercial endeavor - see How Licenses Work.

    Maybe it would be for the best if you just asked Ash or Tom if it's OK, as they are the ones with the final say.

    owhh.. okay then,no matter.

    <div class="self-ref">@Hardty</div> what is tibiame, and why you are promoting on your signature block ?

    check it >>,lol,i'm not promoting,i just want to make my signature filled with my biograph.

  • ZeroBelow new element? like what?

  • I'm at work and probably shouldn't be playing games so I took a quick look and the one thing I noticed is that your character would sometimes show behind the clouds/objects. Unless you wanted that effect I would suggest making sure you set the Z orders when adding the new objects.

    Other than that nice job!

    Thanks man ,how could i set the Z orders when adding the new objects?

    so? it means i couldnt sell anything?