Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • Personnally, I recommend trying on the devices themselves if possible (preview over wifi), export frequently to also try the exported version on the mobile (through a browser personnally).

    I'm gonna copy paste a skype post I've made:

    "-there is not only one resolution, nor aspect ratio, so I do the following

    choose a basic aspect ratio, one you like to work with, I personnaly like 4:3, and also a resolution that correspond (I like 800x600)

    Enter it in the "window size" propriety in C2

    Right now your game is set at a resolution, however, it won't appear fullscreen on all devices, to do so, you can:

    Set fullscreen in browser: Scale inner or Scale outer (scale outer will display more, scale iner will display less)

    Use the system expression ViewportLeft(Layer), ViewportRight(Layer), ViewportTop(Layer), ViewportBottom(Layer) to place the elements of the HUD and others, these expression calculates the positions of the left, right, top and bottom border of the screen

    use the browser object to detect if the user is on portrait or landscape"

    Also there is ot a standard for locking screen inside browser I think, so you cannot be sure it will be locked, however you can still detect the current positio of the device

  • "-Can i sell my html game made with C2 on platforms such as MARKETJs? they want a source code nope? How will they get it if it's made with an engine? "

    At the end you get a valid html5 and javascript file, as well as ressources, so that shouldn't matter

    "-Can i sell my ios/android game made with construct and wrapped with cocoonjs? Here i'm sure companies want source code. So i can't?"

    Don't know, but I'm sure not all ask for source code

    "-Ad mob, mopub, leadbolt and all the advert stuff give SDK. I can't use it neither if the game is developed with C2?"

    You would have to adapt their SDK (through a plugin or execute javascript action)

    "-Why there is no ads companies for html games but so lot for mobile games?"

    can't anwser that

  • In your case, you'd maybe want to apply the effect on a layer instead

    EDIT: I missed a part of your first post, my bad, but I still think layer are the way to go, maybe there is a better solution.

  • When I exported my game to HTML5, I noticed C2 only made sprite sheets for the animations. Am I doing something wrong? I don't see the option to export all images into sprite sheets and I don't see a way to import my own sprite sheets that won't end up getting chopped up by C2.

    That is perfectly normal, it does sprite sheets on export to reduce downloading time, while still give feedback on how much is downloaded.

    If you play your game, it should work just fine

  • Could we provide at least a version of node webkit with this blacklist disabled as well as the normal one?

    with an help file descripting why It is unstable for some computer, but could be faster?

  • She was upset

  • I know, your local key doesn't exist at first, so it's value is "", compared as number, it becomes "NaN", just do that and it'll be good:

    And for your menu:

  • If the crosswalk export could be handled in C2 itself, it would be great, I couldn't make the Intel XDK work well personnally, Because my PC isn't that great (not talking about builds themselves, the entire XDK, the building still didn't work though, but I think it has been corrected), also calling it Android and seeing a html at the end can be confusing, also being able to export it directly would also help timewise I think, but it is still a personnal opinion.

  • I am not sure at all it'll work, but:

    you can try to set an acceleration upards, the same value as the gravity, when the object is created (It should stop the falling), then add a velocity upwards too

  • To be honest, I've learned a lot from C2, by thinking "how I would do this If I were to do so" about the behaviors.

    Other than that, I was once a student on Sciences and technics of laboratory, mostly based on physics, and later more into how human can perform and transform things with devices, that leaded to how objects react to gravit, how fluid works, etc.. and also computer related stuff (like how do I control a devices ith a command, via a graphic based language)

    So C2 wasn't really a problem since I've already had to understand the logics behind this concepts:

    -Why coding the same y is good, not only for myself

    -Why comments are great

    -How the world works, more like how to find ways to interpret how it works

    -What a computer understand, and how it translate things (the float-rounding errors? yeah, that too)

    -Also some experience with a graphic-based language so I haven't any misjudgement about that too.

    C2 helped me to understand how games truly works.

    At the end, try to understand what you need to do a game, and what tools are at your disposal to help you, because I will never say it enough: keep it simple to read and understand, every coding language offers tools that can help you, you can even create your own, see what you need, then if it is present, or if you can do it, if so, try it (without things that doesn't makes sense if possible).


    What do I need to apply gravity like earth?

    -to move an object at a direction

    -to increase this movement in a regular way (gravity is a constant acceleration)

    -To stop my movement when there is something on my way.

    So how do I know if there is something on my way? (etc..)

    at the end (and also for tl;dr ones): making a game isn't about coding, it is about translating an information to the computer, but most people I help sometimes want to do this directly, It is more like:

    What I want -> What logics behind -> translations of the logics -> Optimisations & Standarisation so it can be used easily in the future.

    EDIT: going a little offtopic, but I think it is still a good way to process for every tool

  • just a little issue:

    at th bottom it says:


    Stable Release (rstable)

    Beta Release (r100)

    other than that, no other bugs that the ones that have been posted before

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  • Aphrodite

    > I think you have 1/2 chances to miss the collision like that, it is more overlapping That'll work like this I think


    i don't think there's a difference, if you only check once per 2 ticks, on collision or is overlapping will have the same result, nothing is checked between ticks, there is certainly more chance to miss the collision in both cases, but in my tests once per 2 ticks is unnoticeable, i have it set even higher, its a tradeoff

    I was just refering to the fact that On collision triggers.. on collision, if the collision happens on one tick that you don't check, it won't register the tick after, but I could be wrong.

  • vtrix : "i do this, system compare tickcount%2 = 0 (checks every 2 ticks)

    subevent on collision"

    I think you have 1/2 chances to miss the collision like that, it is more overlapping That'll work like this I think

  • That is because the inspect tab checks a lot of things each ticks, it is meant to be like that, try to use the watch values when you can

  • kkletsgo ok, If you don't have enough rep to send me a PM, try reading some manual pages (it adds reputation points somehow).