andreyin's Forum Posts

  • There's no way to do that quicky with any kind of software.

    Imagine you have a word document (or even notepad). Each line has a random number, and linse go up to 1000. If you wanted to replace all the 5s in the file, you'd use "search and replace", right? What it does is that it goes through every line checking for a 5. If it finds one, he replaces it, but it doesn't directly go to where 5's are magically and change them.

    Tilemap data is the same, it's just text. Even if there was an easy action to be able to change a tile like that, it would still have to check every other tile to make sure there are no 5s, and it would be the same as you yourself making a loop event that goes through all your tilemap checking for 5s.

  • There's already an action for this in the tilemap object:

  • Hi,

    This new ad thing is ridiculous. I'm not going to buy C3 and an ad being shoved in my face in the middle of the posts for SURE isn't going to change my mind. I wouldn't mind if it showed somewhere else, but in the middle of the posts? Ugh.

  • Have you by any chance messed with audio codecs on that PC?

    Also you can press F12 in Chrome/NWjs to open the developer tools and check for any errors, would help you find the solution for sure.

  • ColludiumHey again! I've found another issue.

    Going down slopes is very wonky, the sprite won't stay on the ground - it keeps kinda falling. I've made a capx that compares Platform2 to the default platform plugin and uses animations to show better what's going on.

    Just walk right using the right arrow.


  • When importing audio always try to import it as .wav files, so C2 takes care of the conversion and converts it into .m4a and .ogg files.

  • Just change the Pixelation H and W in the General properties. When the image gets exported you will have a version at real 1x1 scale.

    I mean, a 512x512 image with 4x pixelation will be exported as 128x128 ready to be used in any game,etc... without need to do a resize or whatever to get the real aspect ratio or 1:1 pixels.

    Sorry, I don't get it.. I'm using this image as a source:

    I import it into Pixatool and set both pixelation options to 10. If I export, it becomes this:

    But I needed the zoomed out version, which is this:

    Ah, I think I got it - the original image was just too big. Just had to resize it down a bit and now the pixelation does it job.

    Thank for the help!

  • Hey man! Got this tool on and it's very handy!

    I wanted to ask, is there a way to save a zoomed out image? Because if I have this:

    If I try to save, it becomes this:

    And I wanted it saved as the first one..

    In any case thanks for this tool!

  • Thanks so much!!

  • andreyin - can you send me a capx that demonstrates this please?

    Sure, here you go:!AuQM7MihYyx4ja1ueEyLv4WQVdMg3g

    Just fall out of the platform and press space at any time and the sprite will jump anyway

  • Hey! It's me again with another bug (at least I don't think this is supposed to happen)..

    If you fall out of a platform without jumping, you can still jump in the air. I get that you're supposed to be able to jump just after leaving a platform (usually known as a "late jump" to help players jump with the wrong timing) but this is way too lenient - if you fall out of a platform walking, you can jump in the air long after you've fallen.

    You can see this here:

    Just jump on any platform, fall out of it by walking and press jump again when you're in the air.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • That was fast!! Thanks again!

  • Hey Colludium thanks so much for this fix! I think I may have found another bug though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    In my game I need to be able to make the player loop around the layout, and I do this by setting the player's X position manually to either the left of right of the layout (depending on where he leaves).

    In the regular Platform behavior, when I do that the player keeps his momentum - when using Platform2 he stops for a brief moment before he continues on.

    I've made an example so you can take a look! I also tried fixing it by saving the player's X velocity before he warps to the X position and applying to them, but it didn't work (it's also included in the example).

    Here's the example:!AuQM7MihYyx4jY8OhxyprtFgvQe9VQ

    You can test it by holding the arrow keys until the player collides with the green bars. If you keep holding it long enough you'll notice the regular platform movement never loses it's momentum after setting the X position manually, while the Platform2 behavior lags behind (especially if you do it more than once).

    Thanks for your time!

  • Problem Description

    Can't open any project in r256

    Attach a Capx

    Happens with any capx, including the template ones.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open up r256
    • Try to open up a project

    Observed Result

    Expected Result

    Expected it to open the project

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks for this amazing thread TheRealDannyyy ! Here's a new tip - adding "--in-process-gpu" to the package.json allows your game to be streamed in OBS, using the "game capture" option. However, the recording will freeze if the user changes the window size in runtime, so be warned.

    Without it, if you try to capture your game it will only show a black screen.