andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Nijek

    Sorry, what? I ask because the Wii U supports HTML5, but it doesn't support WebGL.

  • I made an example showing how to use the same programming for more than one controller

    It's basically a "For" from 0 to gamepad.count so it should work for any joystick that's connected.

    Then you can use "loopindex" to pick which instance you want.

  • That's amazing! Congratulations!

    Btw if the PS4 does support HTML5, any idea if it supports WebGL?

  • Nevermind, I was supposed to use anglelerp, not lerp. It works now!

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to make a layer rotate in my game depending on how far the player is from the center of the layout.

    So I've got this code:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And it works just fine, but I'm having trouble doing the same thing inverted if the player X position is on the left side of the layout.

    The problem is that since the default layout angle is 0 (pointing right), if I need it to go negative it goes crazy and everything starts spinning.

    Is there anything I can do?


  • Unfortunately if you did it that way you'd have to manually set

    If var = 1

    Create object 1

    If var = 2

    Create object 2


    The best way to do it is having the same object with different animations and set the animation speed to 0 (for instace one for health, one for mana, etc).

  • I'm not sure it's even a bug, but since you can't reference which event sheet you're talking about when using groups actions, I think that it's better to send out an error or something.. I accidentally created two "debug" groups on different sheets and everything got messed up.

    In any case if you wanted to have the same group in multiple event sheets you can create another event sheet, put the group on it and reference it wherever you want.

  • Since your layout size is 1920 x 1080 I'm guessing you're running it on fullscreen 1080p? If so this is REALLY cpu-intensive, so it's either your CPU or GPU that can't handle it well.

    Really depends on your pc specs!

  • Seasky oooh, thanks, I actually had no idea there was a "bookmark window"!


  • Seasky Right-click where? If I right-click an event it shows the "toggle bookmark" option but no "remove all bookmarks"..

  • I might be missing something obvious, but is there a way to clear all bookmarks?

    I usually bookmark a bunch of stuff that I have to see later, so it would be easier if I could just clear everything when I'm done instead of toggling each bookmark manually.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create 2 event sheets with the same group name

    2. Have one group with "active at start" on, and the other off

    Observed result:

    All the groups with the same name become active, even if the event sheet with the active group isn't referenced anywhere.

    Expected result:

    C2 shouldn't allow me to make groups with the same name in different sheets.

    Browsers affected:

    All of them

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win8 x64

    Construct 2 version:


  • I usually install every beta, if it breaks my game or something happens I can just revert to an old version since I have it on dropbox.

  • I think you're using the AJAX request wrong, it should say something like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The "chosenPath" you're using only returns the path, not the file the user picked.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It's pretty good! <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />