andreyin's Forum Posts

  • No problem, Construct 2 has a bad habit of making a weird collision box when you import any image onto it.

  • How's your collision box on the player character? Try making it square, it should work I think.

  • Whoa, this is really really cool :D

    Too bad I didn't get the jump scares though, but I agree jump scares are always a bit forced hahaha

    Good job!

  • Every object has a origin point, which is the point it is created. Your origin point on the laser is far far away from it:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You just have to set it inside the laser image and you'll be fine. You can use the numpad to set it quickly, too.

  • I'd set the hud X and Y to scrollx - value and scrolly - value.

  • You posted the wrong link to the ! Looks really good from the video though!

  • You have to install the dxwebinstaller that comes with the export.

  • R0J0hound made an outline effect, I've been using it quite a lot lately.

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  • Sorry to bump, I've been trying to run my game on Ubuntu 13.10 and nothing happens when I try to run the file, even if I set it to enable excute permission. I'm not an avid Linux user so I don't know what could be wrong... however the computer I'm using uses a onboard geforce card, maybe that's the problem? The game doesn't even show up though, I click it and nothing happens...

    Has anyone tried their games on Ubuntu 13.10?

  • Just create a new event sheet called "audio", with a "audio" group on it. Now import that event sheet into wherever you want, and disable the group whenever you want.

    Using groups with the same name in different layouts is bad pratice. You can easily make a group global by adding it to an event sheet, and referencing that event sheet everywhere else though.

  • Hey there Ashley ,

    I can't thank you guys enough for adding this new feature. I've been wanting it for a while!I'm having trouble setting it up, though.

    In my game, I use the "crop" fullscreen option, and I scale in to "zoom in" if the resolution is very high. I tried to turn on the low-res option for fullscreen, but I don't think it works with "crop"?

    So, do I have to set the fullscreen mode to Letterbox Scale or something so it works?

    From the changelog I understand that the game is drawn at the lowest possible resolution (which is basically the lowest resolution the letterbox scale option gives), then resized, right?

    If that's the case, and I'm using "crop", would it be possible for me to set the min. resolution manually?

    For instance, set the min. resolution to 1280x768?

    Thanks again for this feature!

  • Problem is that the game stretches out to the resolution, so if you don't have a really powerfull PC it will stutter. But as Joannesalfa said, Ashley is working on it!

  • If you copy/paste an object, you're creating another instance of it. That means that they are the same exact object, have the same object name and are basically identical.

    If you right click it and choose clone, it creates a new object based on the object you click. It will copy every property of the object you chose, but you still can edit it.

    Basically if you have an object Sprite1 and copy/paste it, there will be two Sprite1. If you right-click Sprite1 and clone it, you'll have Sprite1 AND Sprite2, which are similar (since you made Sprite2 out of Sprite1) but they're not the same.

  • Animation is looking really good! Are you using spriter or animating everything then importing frames?

    Also the music has Mighty Switch Force all over it hahaha, good job!

  • Unless something has changed in the latest builds, I don't think you're able to create an object using an expression. If you create try to create an action from System -> Create Object, you'll have to pick it manually.