AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Things that doesn't work in my opinion (I tried it like 5 min):

    - Player is too little in my screen. Try changing the "fullscreen in browser" setting in your project.

    - When i first started the game every level was locked even if I could play the first level.

    - That weather mode doesn't work very well. It also make the gui (buttons etc.) become dark and the level it's too dark. And It would be nice to hear thunder after lightning.

    - Jump sound effect is a bit annoying. Turn sound effects volume a bit down.

    However nice background music and I liked the "how to play" level.

    Hi scarma

    Thanks for your feedback. The game works fine on my end. Have you tried to purge cache and cookies already?

    Also there is a thunder sound. Just toggle sounds on. But maybe it's just a issue from your browser. What browser did you use?


  • I finished my new platformer! What do you guys think of it?

    Play: HTML5

    Link Updated! You sse now the changelog, screen shots and so on!


      Awesome pixel art (build with tilemaps)
    • Tornado Mode (destroy enemies and get a speed up with the tornado)
    • Time-Based Score System (The LevelScore is higher the less the needed time was)
    • LevelSelection with ‘ScorePerLevel’ feature
    • Weather Mode (Rain & Lightning, only first level so far)
    • 4 diffrent level elements (Ice, Metal, Stone, Sand)
    • Enhanced JSON saving method via WebStorage and Dictionary
    • Easy understandable code (well commented in the C2 project file)
    • Built in HD
    • Beautiful level design 3 kinds of enemies
  • You can make a variable "repeat" and set it to 10.


    This should work for you

  • soooooo why are you signing manually?

    If you check signed it's debug signed and you cannot upload it to the store as far as I know.

  • >


    > You can use our doc


    Thanks AndreasR But could you explain me just a bit about the keystore?This process will still be valid if I change computers?Because I work on both of them.

    am I stuck to the computer I did this sign and align apk process? In which situations do I need my keystore?

    Please, these questions are killing me.


    The keystore signs your app, so you can only update it on the store if you sign the update with the same key. Also it includes information about the developer (your name, addresse and so on)

    And no, it's just the keystore file important, not the computer. Aslong you have your keystore file and your alias/passwort you can sign the apk on every computer.

  • ... pk-signer/

    You can use our doc <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • This will be probably caused by a third party plugin. The emulator doesn't use plugins, so if it works on the emulator a plugin maybe causes the crash.

    What plugins do you use?

  • AndreasR

    For me this is a perfect solution.

    I strive towards great use of my studio website for my player base.

    Your game account manager can help me with that.

    (All the big service site's like steam etc are great for lots of people.

    The downside is that they grab the attention away from the developers "Studio website" as well.

    Not when a studio is already successful, but lots of indie websites are "just" a picture of a game and a link to other services.)

    For my studio, a part of the focus is to present the players with great quality and functionality on the studio website itself.

    So the professional line between the big ones and the small one starts to disappear.

    Saving game data is a huge part of what i'm trying to achieve.

    So yes i am very interested in the game account manager.


    Awesome I'm glad to hear

    I made some changes and added some new stuff Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!


  • It's a huge effort to make a system working like this. That's why I'm using parse. The handle all the server side functions. If you want to use an ordinary server you need SSL protection (for submittnig user data like passwords etc.). You also need server side scripts handling the whole process.

    So it's much easier to use the service provided by parse. The also offer free solutions for starting. Then if your game is successful you can upgrade to handle more users.

    It's also possible to combine it with In-App Purchase, for instance the player has to buy a perk allowing him to store and restore his game progress.

    The point with the save game, the Game Account Manager will use JSON as saving method so you can save certrain values instead of the whole game state (what the savegame function does). Then you can save it to the parse server.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your comment

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a Game Account Manager using PARSE to save the game progress. This allows the players (if the want to register for free) to save their game progress like in-game coins, HighScore etc. on an external server. So the have no progress loss if they re-install the game.

    I'm thinking about to add it to the scirra store. What do you guys think about such a project? Will this be helpful for somebody?

    HTML5 Demo: Demo

    Note: Purge cache and cookies if still the Version "" is showing.

    I added a demo account. Just click login.

    Screen Shots





    • Language Chooser
    • Login/Register/Lost Password forms
    • Save/fetch HighScore on/from server
    • Upload/fetch a user image
    • SaveGame Manager
    • Documentation


    The Game Account Manager will be available in feburary 2015.


    Version 1.1 - 15-02-2015

    • SaveGame Manager (Save and Load SaveGames from the Server)
    • Save, Set & Delete SaveGames from the Server
    • Flags updated (all flags will be included)
    • Documentation
    • Spanish flag (function works, but I'm not able to speak spanish, so it's in english too)
    • Improved fetch and save function for highscore
    • Registration disabled, login with our demo account (user data are stored in the project, so just click login)

    I would be glad to hear some feedback from you, also nice ideas are welcome

  • hi

    i like this game , i can add more levels with difference background and difference zombie ?

    Hi HaniKingWeb

    Yes you can easily replace the used zombie graphics or add additionals. The game fetches the animation like

    'On Created' -> Set Animation to 'zombie_'&zombietype (instance variable).

    I will guide you through if you stuck, just send me a mail then


  • Thanks for your help


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  • Yes I've tried that already.

    I don't know how to get only the name entries, like "1_name; 2_name" etc. Is there a way get all entries with *_name (* as placeholder)?

    That would be the easiest way I guess.

  • Hi,

    I have built a form (name, description, count). So the user can enter a new entrie. This will be saved in a dictionary like

    • menucount = 2
    • 1_name = value1
    • 1_desc = value2
    • 2_name = value3
    • 2_desc = value 4
    • and so on..

    The menucount will be increased with each new entrie. Then the key will be set to "menucount&"_name".

    Now I want to fetch all names (1_name; 2_name; etc.) from the dictionary, but I don't know how to fetch them.

    Thanks for any help!