AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • I was trying to share the code for quite a while, but it had the word "TwitchCraft" in the title, and Scirra kept rejecting it because the word Twitch is copyrighted, even though that's not how copyright laws work XD

  • Hi russpuppy

    Yes, I'm able to get all of that working. It's pretty insane what I've been able to achieve slapping Construct and Twitch together :D

    The fact we can now make Twitch extensions just opens up so many more doors when combined with the multiplayer plugin :)

  • The debugger pause button should work. If it doesn't work, please file a bug report following all the guidelines - we need all that information to help, I can't debug a video.

    Will do Ashley sorry about that. Found out that it's the multiplayer plugin in C3 that's causing the bug, so I'll file the report asap.

  • Ashley Sorry to tag you again on this project, but I think this might actually be a bug with the program. I'd post it, but sadly I'm unable to actually replicate the bug with a smaller project.

    However, based on the fact it's refusing to pause, which should be beyond what I'm able to affect, I'm pretty certain this is not a bug with my code.

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    The video above shows what I mean. Time and ticks continue, even when the debugger is paused.

  • Anyone else getting a weird error when saving to the cloud?

    It's been fine up until v199. I see "Unknown error while saving ***.c3p to One Drive".

    I figured I could just get around this by changing saving to my hard drive instead until the new build and this "bug" is patched out, but C3 doesn't recognize when I save offline. Each time I press CTRL-S it asks me where in the cloud I want to save... even though I JUST saved it to the hard drive.

    Super annoying.

    So, yeah, anyway, anyone else going through this?

  • Can anyone tell me why events still run even when I hit the pause button in the debug screen?

    This is starting to become quite annoying, as in Construct 2 I would occasionally pause the game, then go through frame by frame to see what's happening.

    This is a big problem now with physics objects. I select a physics object from the debug list, then pressing the pause button, and while the object on screen freezes, the object highlighter continues to move. It then goes off screen and the object is destroyed and it's removed from my list... while it's paused.

    Again, this is a direct conversion from Construct 2, and in there it actually pauses.

    I've tried the physics on both fixed and framerate independent. Is there a setting I'm missing? A "Make Pause actually pause" button?

    Physics is just one example. If I have my level restart after 10 seconds, even when paused the game will restart after those 10 seconds have passed.

    Also... I'll likely bring this up in another thread at some point, but is anyone else seeing a HUGE cpu increase from C2 to C3? In C2 I was hitting 2-4%. In C3 the exact same project is averaging around 12-20%.

    This is on a screen with zero sprites. When I look in the CPU profiler I can see the engine/other reaching 8% or greater. What's going on there then?

  • You need to extract the name of the color into a text variable, and then do something like this:


    Or you can get the numerical values for all 9 colors and replace them in the database. For example, "blue" is -1049599


    That's what I ended up doing, but with that token expression. When I tried to write "rgbex(0,0,0)" or (0,0,0) into the number instance variable, it wouldn't let me. I didn't then think to simply write it in as an action.

    newt -

    Did this 2 weeks ago :D

  • I have a database that has saved 350 drawings from Construct 2. I have the X Pos, the Y Pos and the colour.

    Example - 256,720,black

    However, for some reason I can't get my head around, in Construct 3 I can no longer simply put in a colour. Instead, I have to have 256,720,rbgex(0,0,0).

    "Ok, that's fine," I thought, "I'll just set up a few events that will change black to the rgba codes."

    So I create a string variable, then if it detects "black" in the 3rd array, it'll change it to the rbgex code.

    However, that doesn't work because the Drawing Canvas can only work with numbers. If I try to put my new colour variable into it, it won't work.

    So I change the variable into a number instead. However, now I can't have "rgbex" at the start! In fact, I can't even use the commas separating the numbers!

    In the end I went back over to the string variable and used a tokenat expression.

    So... just to confirm:

    Construct 3 = rgbEx(int(tokenat(Drawing.Colour,0,",")),int(tokenat(Drawing.Colour,1,",")),int(tokenat(Drawing.Colour,2,",")))

    Construct 2 = black

    Give me a break! Please, someone tell me there's an easier way! I now have to go in and set this up for every colour I decided to use. Luckily for me, I only used about 9 colours, but what would I do if I had used more? Is there a smarter way to do this?

    I love Construct 3, but I'm hating this one step forward, one step back feeling I'm getting.

  • Thanks haypers but don't worry about it. It's not possible to make an online multiplayer game with Construct 2 or 3 currently on XBOX or Microsoft Store.

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  • So after 6 months of trying to get this to work, and a month of silence from this forum, I posted a bug report, then got a response the next day XD

    "UWP uses the (legacy) Microsoft Edge browser engine, which does not support WebRTC DataChannels, which is what the Multiplayer plugin uses. Therefore multiplayer isn't (and has never been) supported in UWP.

    The new Chromium-based Edge supports WebRTC as it inherits it from the Chromium engine used by Google Chrome. However it's not yet clear when or how this support will come to UWP."

    This means that it will not work, and will likely never work in the near or foreseeable future.

    Hope this message helps someone else in the future though! Don;t waste your time like I did! The future is very much single or local player :D

  • As nobody responded, I'm going to temporarily assume that nobody has tried to do this before :)

    C2 Version =!Am3CPIM7woZ9hr4IOlvQEvOTBAMVDA?e=9pd4p7

    C3 Version =!Am3CPIM7woZ9hr9R0pnyDWUGEMDZVg?e=nPXgd4

    If that is indeed the case, could some kind hearted person please try opening one of these versions, exporting it out as a Windows Store project, opening it in Visual Studio, and then successfully run it?

    By looking at the project you can see that all it's trying to do is connect to the Scirra multiplayer server. Testing the program within Construct, as well as running it as a desktop or html will connect immediately. However, as soon as I try it in Visual Studio, it fails to connect.

    I have been in contact with Microsoft about this for weeks, and they can't seem to find out what the problem might be. I have no idea whether it's an issue on their end, a setting I've failed to turn on on my end, or an error with Construct 2 and 3.

    Please could somebody help me out?

  • Thanks, Ashley!

    It's been sent :)

  • Unfortunately, looking back on the project, yesterday was a SUPER productive day.

    Let the tedious work begin again! :(

    EDIT - Looking at the error log I'm seeing this:

    "Exception opening: Error: behavior type name 'Tween' already in namespace"

    Not sure what that means...

    I have a family called "Tween", but I have that in the working version as well.

  • I've slowly and painfully been converting a huge Construct 2 project over to Construct 3.

    So far I've been doing it for about 2 weeks, for hours each day.

    Today, I load it up to have a message pop up saying "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file project."

    Each time I save, it creates a backup, so at first I simply shrugged it off and went back to one of those.

    Unfortunately, the exact same thing happened... to the next 23 backups :(

    I've been using Beta 195, so yes, my fault for building a project using a beta. Honestly, in the project, all I'm doing is adding in a few things that are missing. I haven't added in any extra plugins recently. The only thing that comes to mind, looking at where the most recent working version is, is changing the pin behaviour to the new version.

    However, upon testing that by changing the code then saving a new version... it again loads.

    So all in all, I lost about a day's work, which kinda sucks, but at least I didn't lose everything.

    Is there a way I can force the project to open so I can at least see a message as to why it's failing to open?

    It doesn't make sense to me that there are 23 corrupted saves, yet zero warnings.

  • So I can set up multiple headers with multiple actions.

    Thanks again, Ashley!