Alon's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    I lost you now, but I REMOVED the function since you said this is the issue, I got rid of it for testing.

    And both issues are still there, even when there are no functions at all.

    So... do I make it on the wrong order? [/img]

  • Thank you lennaert, your explanation is great for a newbie like me to start understand how "FOR EACH" supposed to work!

    I tried to follow your steps, but there is no difference. both issues are still the same as I described above.

    Can you see where I did the mistake on the image I attached? maybe the order is wrong?

    Thanks ahead! [/img]

  • I found out that it's a bit more complex than what I imagine.

    When I attack 1 enemy (2 hits = destroy for quick test) it dies, the rest keep moving around = GOOD!

    But... when I collide with 1 enemy, all enemies stops, change direction, keep walking (calls a simple function I made).

    So I have 2 issues now, and it's good to solve them before I'll add more enemies to the game to understand how to deal with it later, that's where I need your help.

    1# = As I posted originally, when the Player jumps to test collision with 2 enemies instead of hit once, both will damage at once = BAD (I need only one enemey to hit). gave a solution but I'm not sure if it's related to the 2nd Issue so I didn't use it yet.

    2# = I just described above (collision with 1 enemy affect ALL enemies).

    Are these 2 issues related and can be solved in the same condition, I'm a bit confused.

    I did try to use "FOR EACH" which I probably use totally wrong but it sounds like it could help...

    Dear dop2000 I bet you can solve this easily, you already helped me and many others so much!

    Can you please have a look on this post and share your advice / solution, example or visual image of how it's done will be very helpful.

    My wrong use of "FOR EACH" I just tried my luck since I don't know how to use it after reading about it. [/img]

    Example of the 2 issues mentioned above: [/img]

    Thanks ahead to anyone who can help! :)

  • Thanks that's an interesting solution! I'll probably use it if there is no other solution.

    The thing is that I already have so many variables and I will add more and more both variables and enemies.

    So I wonder if there are other ways to do this without extra variables?

    I know it sounds weird, maybe it's a Create Object v.s. Spawn Object issue? I'm not sure.

    Any other solutions will be very interesting to see as I'm still learning.

  • Thanks for the reply, My current code have this (image attached) trigger at once but it didn't solve the issue what made me to post this thread.

    I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the order maybe?

    I did play around with the order but... it didn't solve the issue.

    I thought it's because of the enemies are same instance or something but I just spawn 3 of them with the code instead of duplicate them manually on the stage. [/img]

  • Hey All,

    As I'm testing my current early state of my game I found out a bug and I'm not sure how to fix it.

    I attached a GIF so you can visualize how it looks, maybe it will help.

    Current state is:

    When enemy collide with the player, he loses 1 HP which is HALF a heart. 6 HP = 3 Hearts, so far so good right?

    On every HIT, the Player changes to Invincible for few seconds (while flashing).

    But I noticed this bug when I JUMP on 2 enemies at once the Player loses 2 HP instead of 1 (Full Heart).

    Since I'm still new to Construct 3 and learning programing with it as I go, I didn't use "FOR EACH" but I'm guessing it's something I should use to solve it? or maybe I'm wrong and it's something else.

    Can you please suggest me a solution so I can test?

    Thanks ahead! [/img]

  • Thanks for the great tips kriand :)

  • Hey All,

    I'm looking for a general screen shake solution so I can control it's strength and duration.

    I think that most screen shakes works on virtual camera but I don't use a camera object on my game for now.

    The thing is that I don't really know how to get start, if it's not that complicated to do I'll be happy if you can share it with me. or even better guide me how to code such thing?

    Sorry about my bad English and thanks ahead!


    I just added a sprite "Camera" and added the "Scroll To" behavior.

    I made a test button 'S' to test the default shake.

    I noticed it will shake ONLY if the layout is bigger than the viewport size, which is fine I just hope it won't slow down my game if the layout is twice the size of my Viewport.

    Viewport: 640x360

    Layout: 1280x720

    Another thing, I noticed that by default it will shake everything but my HUD, is it because of the parallax settings? I'm guessing because they are on 0x0 but I have to ask because I'm not sure how it works.

    I'm still interested in other solutions if they are not too complicated for a beginner like myself to accomplish. in the meanwhile I will test the "Scroll To" and see if I can use it for my game. [/img]

  • OH! OK, it's just the AJAX/ Json loading lines, it's still new to me... as you said, I just put it there and I can ignore it. but it is important to me to understand, so thanks! I understood that the "tags" are to name and use different AJAX files or like I used "tags" in the Audio in Construct 2 long time ago so it's good to understand.

    The rest of the code, I didn't really understand so I tried to copy/past what I saw here, as I said the all Array Editor code is confusing me, which is weird because it is very organized visually... much better than "imagine" arrays, no doubt about that.


    When I pickup the "RANDOMIZER" Item, it will change to a random item, thanks to your help!

    To be honest I don't fully understand it but it's a progress, maybe I need to get used to the Array Editor and Arrays in construst 3 in general.

    So, the "FULL NAME:" and other 0 raw I use are fine for naming if I understood dop2000 correctly, and yes my animations names are just like what I put on the Array Editor (copy past) but it was: "ID_Animation_Name" before I just removed the "ID_".

    Now how do I make the rest of the properties in the Array, for example changing the JUMP on the "Spring_Helmet" to actually change.

    I tried "Every Tick" set platform properties to the global variables.

    Now back to the original thread subject:

    How do I or make the numbers in the Array to "talk" to the variables?

    For example following the raw "JUMP:" in the array editor will always point to the global variable: ?

    "SPEED:" will always point to the speed variable, etc..

    I'll probably edit / change the Array Editor from how it is now, but I want to see if I'm not too far away from making this works thanks to your help of course. [/img] [/img] [/img]

  • Yes, that's what I meant that I think I understand the x (width) it make sense to me. (Y horizontal raws, Y veritcal raws) and yes I do use the same animation names.

    but the animation complete? I think I'm lost there.. not even talking about the rest of the code hehe

    calling the variables using the arrays and their properties, I'm still trying to understand how it's connected.

    Sorry for my stupidity, I'm trying to practice and learn thanks to your help.

  • Thank you both for the quick reply I appreciate it!

    To be honest this is much more confusing than I thought... I mean without Array Editor.

    I'm totally lost now, I'm scratching my head to understand what's going on on these examples but trying to compare this to my own goal it's very confusing.

    I believe I understand the concept of the variable.width so it will run on the X but I'm still lost on that animation complete and such, because my items have loop animations, and I don't really want to mess with the animations of the items as they are for visual presentation of the sprite only.

    I guess I will try to mess with it and see maybe I'll get a better idea...

    There is always that easier way of doing this of course: split each item to it's own group with it's own conditions on a dedicated Items event sheet to keep everything organized.

    But as I said, I do want to give it a try, unfortunately... I'm just an animator, my brain can't understand these complicated Arrays even with the nice Array Editor (in other words, I'm stupid for this so I'll look for an easier more visual way as I mentioned if I'll fail to understand how it works).

    I bet that your examples are VERY clear to anybody else, but for me it's a total mish-mash in my brain right now so don't get me wrong, thank you for your replies!

    I'll update if there is any other place I'll stuck in.

    Sorry about my bad English and thanks again! :)

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  • Hello All,

    After running away from Arrays, I've decided to listen to the kind advice of dop2000 and give it another try. So I finally made the basic setup that handle that scary part of the Ajax and Json and all that mishmash in my brain and now it appears on the Debug so I know it works and the Array Editor is connected to the Array of my Items.

    I want to start SIMPLE so I will get the idea how things are working so I can use the Array and add items and their different conditions to the game.

    So I made this pretty empty but organized Array Editor (I will change it later and add more to it)

    And it made sense to me that I will need to use Global Variables for the Player so I can change the speed, max jump and other things later.

    So I have these global variables for now:

    P1_Jump = 360

    P1_Gravity = 1500

    P1_Speed = 100

    Item_Number = 0

    Which are my current default Platformer stats and the number of the Item so I can choose it randomly.

    I made a "Every tick" so the Platform stats will always equal to the Global Variables as above.

    The way the Item set: I made 1 Sprite with different animations, each animation represent different Item.

    I wasn't sure if I need to actually make many individual Items, so I tried this for organization sack. [/img]

    So far so good, now... As you can see on the Array Editor screenshot I attached, I don't know how to handle it yet and this is where I got lost.

    I want to do 2 things:

    1 - When the Player pickup the "RANDOMIZER" (a question mark Sprite) by overlapping and press UP

    I want the Item to change randomly to one of the Array Editor, and change the Item's Sprite Animation.

    2 - I want each Item on the editor to change the Global variables as needed.

    As you can see I'm very confused with the Array Editor, but I want to give it a chance maybe it's not scary as I think it is?

    I hope anyone can help me here, how do I make these work?

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thank you for answering my questions and the detailed replies, it is very interesting and sure helpful!

    It may sound weird...

    But if and when I'll actually be able to make my Demo for the game (still early)

    I would love to say proudly: "yes! I made it with Construct!"

    This community is so great, official answers from Ashley, Tom and the rest of the experts are just encouraging me to keep using Construct 3 and learn it as I work on my game.

    Thank you all for your time and for surviving my bad English.

    Keep up the good job! :)

  • Thanks for the reply Ashley, I appreciate it.

    I'm not here to argue, as I said I'm far away from understanding the behind the scenes of all the tech part compare to you or my colleagues that I mentioned who are professionals in the games industry for a long time.

    Saying that Nintendo and Sony are behind is something that I can't agree with because the fact is that they are the lead in the gaming industry, they sure know what they're doing and they are not in "the game" for couple of years but for many years now. even that for the last few years they are getting they're hands open for indie devs which is amazing opportunity!

    They sure know what they're doing, and my colleagues which are pro publishers as well know the requests of Nintendo, Sony and the others very well so I can't argue with them either.

    ANYWAY, I do understand and respect that you are strongly against native exe compile option and HTML5 is the best option in your opinion but I must ask this because it got me curious:

    1 - Is it impossible to make Construct to compile native .exe or the all guts and engine behind it will need to be re-make from scratch which is a huge amount of work.

    2 - Will you consider to add Native .EXE as extra compile option instead of just HTML5 and let the users choose what is good for them to use?

    Thanks ahead for the answers, I still have much more to learn in Construct 3.

    And if nobody said this before me:

    THANK YOU! for working so hard on this amazing game engine, I truly admire Scirra's hard work.

    Sorry about my bad English.

  • C2/C3 runtime is Html5based, only.

    If/when/how Nintendo or Sony will support html5 you should ask on a sony or nintendo developer board.

    From the conversation with my colleagues, I wouldn't count on that anytime soon or at all.

    And that what I was afraid to hear... because I really like C3.

    Well, I guess I'll just focus on the prototype of my game in C3 and then move to something more industry-standard as my colleagues suggested, which isn't that simple for someone who can only work with Visual Scripting like myself.

    To be honest I'm not sure what Game Engine I should move to yet. Fusion was the only tool that actually similar to Construct in the workflow and unlike Scirra who works extremely hard for many updates (I admire you Ashley & Tom for that!) Clickteam are super slow, until Fusion 3 will be out it will take a long time, I already know about their ports for switch and ps4 to be as a service but for now Fusion 2.5 is really bad, that's why I moved to Construct 3 with the hope that it won't stuck on HTML5 but I guess there is no hope from these replies.

    Earlier today, a friend of mine who's a lead programmer at Unity's HQ for few years now hinted me (it was very clear actually) that they are working on a built-in visual scripting tool that will come with Unity for both 2D and 3D specially for artists, but he couldn't say anything more because of NDA, he said that EVERYONE will be able to make games when this feature will be released... I can't lie, it made me more curious.

    I can only guess, it could be: Event sheets based, it could be Nodes based or maybe a total new approach, who knows? I know that my favorite is the Event Sheet like C3 and Fusion. I didn't find the Nodes in Unreal Engine 4 easy to learn at all.

    Anyway, sorry that I jumped out of the subject, I just found this very interesting subject and very excited working on my game in Construct 3 for now.

    Thanks for the replies! I appreciate it.

    It's better to know now then just waiting for a miracle, I guess I should have check this subject before I got into Construct 3 but I was curious and wanted to taste C3 for myself and give it a chance to charm me, and guess what?? it did.. BIG TIME!

    That's why I'm sad because I will have to move to a different "home" sooner or later.

    No matter what, I really like this community I hope to stay and learn more as I work on my game. :)