Anion's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • I have the same problem.

    I can't expand the event sections to make all the text visible. It used to work before though.

    Using CTRL works but that makes the text smaller as well.

    Any other suggestions as this is quite annoying tbh? :/

  • Hi guys,

    got a small problem with the game I'm creating.

    I'm making a text based game where you have to fight monsters and fulfill quests and stuff, but I got a problem with my sql data not being updated all the time.

    For example, I have a situation where you can battle another player. After the battle, the new troop counts of both players are send to an MySQL database through an Ajax command. This works without any problems as I can see the adjusted and correct values in the DB directly. The problem however, is that when I do another battle immediately, the 'old' troop counts still apply and not the adjusted ones from after the previous battle. There is an Ajax command before each battle, to reload the troop counts from the DB each time, but it seems that the browser still takes the cached values instead of the newly values.

    If I wait 5-10min, and the check the troop counts, the values are correct, so it seems that it's only 'refreshing' its data every X minutes...

    Anyone has an idea how to prevent or solve this?


  • Sorry for replying on such an old topic, but since this describes my problem perfectly, I couldn't resit

    Is there a fix for this kind of behavior? When I'm testing my game I'm constantly refreshing the webpage to see if a new SQL query or a new ajax request is working like it should be. Be I'm constantly getting back old data in my browser while the data in the SQL database is updated to the last values.

    Since this is quite annoying for testing reasons, is there a way to prevent this?

    Any ideas? Or is the time thingy the only acceptable solution?

    Steerpike : If you are still active here, have you found a solution for this problem?

  • cjbruce

    I am using the Touch object but for some reason, it is not working on mobile browsers... I have searched the forums about this, but I can hardly find anything useful about this problem. I have created other projects in the past and the touch object worked without any problems on those projects....

    ( I'm using 'On tab gesture on' on all my buttons)

  • I'm not sure if you are targeting mobile, but I couldn't get the start button to illuminate on my iPad.

    I know, it doesn't work on my iPad either in any of the browsers I have tried. So for now, it only works on PC.

    Later on, I'll convert it into an app to test it on mobile devices.

    More feedback please

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  • Okay, I had some feedback from some friends and I have adjusted to game accordingly starting with the graphics which are not pure black-white anymore.

    Also a lot of the game-play is already playable but it is still a work in progress!

    Those who already want to try it out:

    • You attack creatures which you encounter on the locations on the map (currently only The Forest and The Wastelands).
    • You gain several resources that way (brimstone, crystal, essence, granite and wood) which you can use to purchase upgrades and such (still a w.i.p.).
    • You can heal or revive yourself at the campfire.
    • You can create a 'sidekick' with the hatchery (still easy to make, will get improvements).
    • Increase your workers so you also gain more 'idle' res.
    • Increasing the storage will allow you to stack up more idle res.
    • A basic quest system is also in place ( 5 basic quests atm).

    Feel free to try it out and to give me feedback. Eventually I'm planning on making this a multiplayer app with a PHP/SQL database.

    You can find the game at

    Make sure to refresh the page when playing again after a while, since I do a lot of updates all the time.


  • Hi all,

    my first post on this forum and hopefully not the last.

    I'm currently busy with making 2 games with Construct. 1 of the games is almost finished, but I'm waiting on my graphics designer before I release this on the forum

    The other game I'm working on, and this is where I need your feedback, is a mix of Kingdom of Loathing ( and Castlequest 2 (, 2 games I enjoyed playing.

    Now those of you who are familiar with KoL now that it's just a text adventure game where you level your character up and fulfill different quests and stuff. All the graphics are also drawn in ms paint. In my game, I've taken the same approach on the graphics. Plain simple paint drawings.

    The thing I was wondering if this kind of game would attract players or not?

    You can check the game out on

    Do mind that it is still pretty basic. It currently only has a handful of enemies, items and temporary quests. It is just a baseline for future development. Also the name will change, just lacked some inspiration when I created the site

    For starters I had the intention to keep it single player, but I might add multiplayer if the need is there.

    Thanks for your feedback

  • 7 posts