EvilObjective's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey Everyone!

    My game Big Tower Tiny Square has been released on Steam! It's a subversive take on platformers. In this game There Is No Princess - Only Pineapple!

    The original web version of Big Tower Tiny Square has nearly 1 Million plays across multiple web portals and was featured in a Vsauce D.O.N.G. episode.

    Focuses on being a tough, fair, and funny experience.

    The entire game is one giant level broken up into arcade-like single screen sections

    Trailer: https://youtu.be/h4eLABZFwZM

    Steam link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/75125 ... ny_Square/

    Hope you give it a shot!


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  • Thanks for the suggestion Gigatron. I tried to offset X and Y but the error still popped up, however you still helped me figure it out.

    The level_tm tilemap object was blank, but still on the layout. As soon as I deleted it the bug went away. I did some further testing on my original project capx and found that the bug was only appearing on layouts which had an empty tilemap object on the layout (any empty tilemap object, not just the level_tm one). As soon as I deleted the tilemap object (or drew some tiles anywhere) the bug goes away. Oddly enough when I created a new tilemap and put it into the layout (but leaving it blank) there was no bug, so it seems the bug might only pop up on projects with an existing blank tilemap object in the layout.

  • Problem Description

    When restarting a layout or changing layouts a javascript error appears. This only happens on certain layouts, however each layout shares the exact same objects/event sheets.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    There are two layouts, one where the bug appears and one where it does not. Both layouts contain a moveable sprite and a grey box which triggers a layout change. Press R to restart the layout. Move the player to the grey box to go to next layout.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Preview "Bugged Layout"
    • Press R to restart layout OR move sprite to grey box to go to next layout
    • Error pops up

    Observed Result

    Javascript Error pops up in browsers, NW.js crashes

    Expected Result

    On Press R layout should restart. On collision with grey box, next layout should load.

    On the "not bugged" layout, pressing R restarts the layout as intended.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 Prof 64-bit Service Pack 1 (6.1, Build 7601)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 200 (64-bit)

  • Hello everyone,

    I wanted to post this here to see if anyone knows what these errors means before I submitted a bug report.

    My game worked fine before the R200 update, but now when loading certain layouts in game I get this error:


    follow by this error:


    This same error shows up on Chrome and IE (haven't downloaded FF or Opera to try) and it also simply crashes the game when I preview through NW.js

    My game is a simple physics-based platformer game. I find it strange the error only happens on certain layouts since all of my levels/layouts are duplicated from the previous layout. Any ideas? Thanks.

EvilObjective's avatar


Member since 8 Jul, 2014

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