chrisbrobs hei, awesome effect, really gives the extra miles to the gameplay, however, im having a bit of a issue with my exported games, while in preview all character have the shadow perfect, i mean all of them in localhost look so good, when i export to html5 the effect is messed up, its like sometimes works but sometimes doesn't and the weird part is that works good on exported for 1 actor animation, but the rest animation the actor has it doesnt, also buildings goes bad, main char same. is it because are to many characters or some html5 exporting issues? il try exporting to nodejs and see if in there happens.
here is the html5 version effect going nuts on me ... notice the women in yellow her shadow is perfect, i checked the collisions/imagepoints/ image size gaps everything is perfect, however is going bad.
and this is the dropshad color same problem
and here is the localhost preview this is a recorded screen of the localhost where everything acts normal.
Edited: i seen
newt said works fine for layers , im testing and see if wold work for entire actors.
and i got this result... while its good and awesome, i liked more the shadow for individual sprites. and not the layer one... from this version
P.S the bottom villagers shadow is just a sprite spawned when they are created and i pined it to them. CRT effect is just a overlayed image the CRT effects on Forum are to heavy to be used even in a PC game