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  • Thanks for the replies, I'll try to figure it out with the physics. I get the concept but the boulder just sits there, gravity doesn't do anything, or applying torque. Anyways i'll try and figure it out.


    Make sure the object you have doesn't have also solid or platform behavior on it

    Also on physics settings set boundary to circle and make sure the Unmovable Object setting is disabled. or not ticked. if u do all right then it should work. try also look at C3 physics example that comes with C3.

  • Ps. Can construct 3 export native iOS apps? And windows executables?

    The game you mentioned is doable with Construct, and i think there is actually a example file of that specific gameplay somewhere in the Construct 2 section, might be an old post like 1 -4 years.

    As Native IOS? not sure what you mean by that, all i know Construct exports a package file usually zip, if not a folder with assets ready to be imported into the IOS xcode program and then you can follow the specific guide for that process to export a ios playable game, thats why i said i dont know what you mean by that cause im not sure if this is actually native coding transcript, but it should work as good as a native export. For more informations and guides on this wrapping ios thing id suggest searching the C2 tutorial section and C3 tutorials in the Learn link found above in the header menu.

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  • Hello,

    I have question does anyone have a good way to make a boulder roll down a platform? I can get it to roll initially, but cannot get it to move after that. I tired using the simulate control with a invisible detector to trigger the control change, but nothing happens.

    To apply rolling force to an object you need to use the apply torque force so it spins the boulder if is on a horizontal plane.

    if is a slope platform the physics behavior should do its job.

  • Good afternoon guys, my question is about a shortcut, I have Event Sheet 1 and I created a group on it, now I'm on Event Sheet 2 and I need to put that same group in it; I need help in knowing what the key is, I do not want to copy and paste the group, I know there is a keyboard shortcut that creates a group shortcut that already exists, but I can not find the key anywhere. Thanks for listening.

    based on this manual entry i don't think there is such keyboard shortcut

    What you can do to not duplicate the code for each event sheet create a 3rd event sheet move your group events in the 3rd event sheet and then include by pressing N into the desired event sheet 1 and 2 where the group is needed.

  • How would Google notice you are not following the GDPR rules 100% in termes of the Privacy Policy? I think the only way they notice it is if someone reports you right? Im want to use the Policy generator but im not sure if my account will get banned some time or even get sued or something i dont know!


    Yes they will notice you'r app if more then 1 in 10 people start to report your app. Also the moment reports pile up you'll be under the investigation. However long before you get reported, they do a manual check, not sure if you noticed but when you upload your game version, and information regarding your new app, they are taking around 48 hrs to verify your app submission. So there are 2 ways they can check you, not to mention the smart google AI which by now i think is implemented in everything google has up and running (deep mind).

    As how to make sure your following the GDPR 100% rules? read the GDPR rules here or here and also here and follow them manually. The policy and tos generators are good to give you a example form, but you can alter it in order to comply with GDPR updates google tos etc. And if you have some cash to put into the safety of your app, hire a lawyer online like rocketlawyer or something that do this stuff of things. There might be generators online that are made by lawyers themselves keeping everything up to date, based on different platforms either google or ios etc.

    Google doesn't sue you cause of your TOS or Privacy worst they do is suspend your account indefinitely until you contact the support team and find a solution if there is one that can be applied. But if you get suspended is game over with them usually, they hardly give a 2nd chance to anyone.

    However in most of tos/privacy violation you will get notified a few times, and they will tell you to take the app down and fix its issues. If you ignore those warnings then the above might apply.

    They will sue you, if you do actual harm to their business.

    In short, if you collect/sell/use any of the user data without the user knowledge and consent then you breaking the GDPR.

    And when i said any of the user data, i mean anything at all, even if he uses his keyboard to type 1 letter you are not allowed to know what he typed unless he (the user) lets you (the developer/publisher) record that input, and knows you will record that input. And here also is to be mentioned :

    1. usernames or real full or partial names
    2. passwords
    3. credit card info
    4. fake address or billing address or delivery address
    5. phone numbers
    6. app usage related inputs or user behavior when using the app
    7. pictures or emails
    8. opening and closing app function usage
    9. Other than above that user submits, or you might record
  • Are there any advantages in embedding them into the app? Why can't I have them published on my website?

    You can have them on your website, is your choice, but you have to consider a few things.

    Cons having popups in your app, they might not always work, tos policy needs to be on a 24/7 website hosted which not always happens from various reasons, the business isn't generating enough to pay for the hosting etc.

    Another con would be each new android/ios/browser/update popups are handled differently, in past as if i recall correctly some android games didn't had popups or redirects to other games properly working.

    Now the above are not very serious cons but they matter to a more "picky user".

    There are a few advantages like:

    Your app looks a bit more professional and you get a bit more trust from people as you appear to care of your business.

    You don't have to worry about the policy /tos being hosted = no hosting costs.

    Avoiding popup blockers and other issues regarding iapp redirects.

    Now all of them are not very bad things or good things, but it probably takes 5 minutes to add them and they don't do any harm to no one.

    As if you'll ask what if i want to update my policy, you can have a free hosting service and fetch the policy and tos from there. Same applies for the above "0 costs hosting". But when you have a freehosting service, they might not always have SSL and some browsers might give users warnings as "not secure", making your app look suspicious.

    And finally chances are nobody will actually read your policy or tos agreement, but if someone decides to sue you because while playing your game they got annoyed and smashed their device, and they have access 24/7 to your privacy and tos without any interference from your hosting provider etc... then you are covered, and they wont be able to claim a brand new iphone plus damages of not being in contact with their friends/business because of your game. As well in the case of a data leech, you will be covered much easier as your tos would probably have something along the lines if you dont agree with this TOS then uninstall the app and be in the users ability to read whenever they want 24/7.

    Nobody is going to force you to have them built in ... is just that old saying ... "the little things make the difference" and the other golden saying "better safe then sorry".

    There are probably more advantages and cons, but this are the few that pop'd in my head now as a simple logic.

    Sorry if i smashed some words or sentences into a potato pulp.

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  • Lots of useful information in this topic, thanks guys!

    If I publish my game on Google Play or App Store, do I need to include the privacy policy and T&C into the app? Or can I just put the link "For Privacy Policy click here" that redirects to my website?

    Usually google play and other services like it have a field to link ur privacy policy and tos on the app download page, however more and more publishers and developers are adding those links or the privacy policy file directly in the app so u can read it, while using the app, without being redirected, like a credits page... but for tos and privacy.

  • Hi All,

    New C3 user here, been enjoying things so far :) Just wanted to ask how C3's asset management works please.

    If I had 100 sprites with 50 placed in one layout and 50 in another does Construct try and download all 100 during startup?

    If I'm right C3 loads into memory what it need for that layout but I'm not sure when things are downloaded, do we have any control over that?


    All images and sounds usually are preloaded at the beginning of the app, when the loading bar usually appears.

    Check the manual for more about this.

    And no you don't really have control over the images/sounds download/load. Usually if its inside your projects is preloaded when the app starts, if its not in your project files, then probably you will be importing them via js calls from a server and then you would control each asset download/import as you requesting it.

    But Regarding the C3 loads memory and multiple images, when u export your project all images inside of your project are turned into 1 sprite sheet so the engine loads them all very fast. Its not like takes each image separated file by file. its all loaded at once ... of sorts.

  • Is there any constraints or advice about the size/shape of loading-logo.png? I can't see anything about it in the manual.

    If you mean the main loading logo the appears similar to the construct 2 splash screen, you can go as wide and tall as your projects viewport, and as little as you want.

    The 64x64 loading-logo.png in the icons folder is the default used size, but i don't think there are any limitations on it.

  • Hey. Does anyone know how to deal with cheaters who change variables? And if so then please you can with the example preferably on C3.

    if they are able to change the variables you can't really do much cause you will probably need a variable to enable a safety control.

    But you could also check if a surtain variable is set to something it shouldn't across the game and restart the game forcing reloading the initial state of the variables. can be done with compare two variables function. Or with a server database that stores all variables and compare their values from time to time, and if the variable in the database doesn't match the games variable then the player is hacking/cheating/altering.

    Do you know how they are changing the variable? or why are you asking this? im curious also in this subject.

  • That feature was only available for the premium dropbox users, but was discontinued, because "insert dropbox logic".

    But now a days, you can get a free webhosting a free domain and upload your files there and server them to people you want. Wix is a good place to start for free, there are other services as well, like freehosting , 000webhost (this might cause some security issues, but not big concerning), hostinger, etc.

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