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  • Problem Description

    ____ ListBox Appears like a Dropdown List in IPHONE 4 & Android Tablet____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Insert a List in the layout
    • Set the Type to ListBox
    • run it on Iphone or Tablet

    Observed Result

    ____ ListBox Appears like a Dropdown List ____

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ W7 pro 64bit ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ 173 64 bit ____

  • Guys, onscreen keyboard looks good on IOS ?

  • Thanks, Yes indeed, i "solved" the problem by replacing 'xmlns' to 'x' when i receive Ajax response, but i'm really disappointed, spending 2 hours for nothing..

    Anyway i must report it, can't work with it in that way...


  • If anyone can't reply it might be a bug?

  • Hi there,

    I'm facing strange problem with XML parsing.

    Here my XML file genarated from this webservice:

    //this is a simplified version for readers:
    "<results xmlns="""">
    <adm1Name>Freistaat Bayern</adm1Name>
    IT WORKS only when i change the xmlns to something else, and i can't see any error in C2 nor in chrome javascript console.
    Can any one tell me why?
    Thanks in advance.
  • Hi,

    I'm testing Listbox and it's apearing like Dowpdown list on Android and IOS, anyone has the same problem?


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  • Any update for this plugin guys ?


  • It's sad that google chrome for IOS deos not have support to WebRTC due to apple restriction:!topic ... ch_feIJn88

    My question now, can we connect clients using Multiplayer plugin with other IOS clients using WebSocket( since there no support for webRTC) ?


  • Alright, thanks.

  • 1) The name is what it appends numbers after if the room is full. So if you specify "myroom" and "myroom" is full, it will continue to try "myroom2" and so on. You have to specify a base name so you don't accidentally try to use rooms being used for other purposes. You might for example want to have 2 different types of room that can be auto-joined.

    3) Yes, that's what auto-joining rooms is for.

    I understand now, thanks!

  • Hey Ashley

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    It's okay with android now, but this is seems not working with safari(Iphone) and safari on Windows, i keep getting "Not supported".

    My boss wonder if the Multiplayer plugin supported on Iphone/Ipod :

    1) There is ANY way that can we support these platforms?

    2) What about other browsers such as (chrome,firefox,opera), is the WebRTC supported on Iphone/Ipod ?

    3) What about HTML5 wrappers (like Cocoonjs,Crosswalk...) We plan also to wrap our game into a native-like application, so that we ask if the Multiplayer plugin keep working in that case ?

    Thank you for support!


  • Could anyone else confirm this?

    The problem i get is the ChatTextBox and the sendButon doesn't appear in the screen anymore..


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Member since 23 Jun, 2014

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