I agree it is TERRIBLE!!
I agree mate.
This game makes no sense! The your own attacks will damage yourself! And the enemy can deal attacks that heal themselves and deal damage to you! It’s so unfair! This game **************
What’s up with blaze?! It’s so unfair!!!
Respect.... u know ur Egyptian Mythology
Dude I’m on mobile!
And the music is great! It matches the mood AMAZINGLY! I love it, I’m just jamming to it while playing, well dying actually... lol
This is AWESOME!!! Buuuut....... it’s SOOOOOOOOO Hard..... i finally got some info and then i died. TWICE!!!!!!
This ****** Player 2 can only move!!!
This was really sweet...
It really fun but it’s unfair that the only points you get to keep are your high score points. You should be able to keep ALL points to make it easier to get other skins....
This game is terrible!!!
LOL hit them with a hammer is diplomatic!!!! Yet we get points for killing them! I thought there would be legit negotiations!! I LOVE THIS GAME!!!
The controls **** like this game...
Member since 22 Jan, 2021