iFrame should be used to display content, display a site/chat ready from some other link. They usually do automatic scrolling.
With insertHTML you can create and manage your chat.
Will you create or show a chat from another site?
Now I can see your post!
Thank you emoticon
New Version v1.16
emoticon again I see that you were the last one to post but I do not see any of your posts.
If you need help try sending PM.
Sorry friend
emoticon did you say something?
I cannot see any of your messages here.
CJK I never thought about it! Will be very useful, thank you!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Browsers newest have this restriction, I don't really know how to handle it.
The only way I can think of is to save the URL after use the 'Go to URL'.
Sorry friend.
New Version v1.26
Plugin - Capx
nachosnieg please make download this example:
They are working ok for me in this example.
You can also save the URL in a var in C2 always when using 'Go to URL'.
nachosnieg in the preview mode use node-webkit.
Some sites does not display its contents in iframes. If it does not allow the node-webkit will close automatically.
"" does not permit access in iframes.
nachosnieg what is the message?
You can show an image? I looked and I not found the error...
You say in: iFrame.URL ?
Milkonop in 'Add item (font awesome)' use only for 'font awesome'.
In 'Add item (text)' use html code:
*Get image online "<img src=''>" *Get image local (after importing from project in folder 'files') "<img src='image.png'/>" [/code:2ikrbnjf] [quote:2ikrbnjf] [b]New Version v1.24[/b] [ul][li] [!!!] Fixed: Bug 'Delay'[/li] [li] [#] Effects[/li][/ul] [url=]Plugin[/url] - [url=]Capx[/url]
Member since 31 May, 2014