You'll probably get an example without behaviours, but here's one with a Timer.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Unfortunately showing us some valid code doesn't help at all As you say it works in the template, so.. must be something else.
No you'd have to simulate something yourself using arrays and maybe wrapping it in a function but I'm not sure it would be worth the trouble.
Can you post a screenshot?
Here is a tool that makes seamless patterns: Can save lots of time. They have a great brick generator. The perlin noise would be a nice base for cave walls *** well <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
Here is a tool that makes seamless patterns:
Can save lots of time. They have a great brick generator. The perlin noise would be a nice base for cave walls *** well <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
Thanks for the tip. I'm constantly AMAZED at the amount of awesome cheap/free tools out there.
Many projects? Ok sounds like pc issues.. And posting a .capx is File menu/Save as single file. Upload attachment, etc.
Do all projects do this? Close and re-open C2, do New Project and choose platformer again. Does it still do it? And post the capx..
Try updating your video drivers.
edit: also post the capx
Try my suggestions especially the first
edit: i replicated your screenshot by turning off layers
Looks like a fun plugin, thanks for sharing.
Can you attach a screenshot to show what you mean?
But check these:
In the Layers tab, make sure your layers are checked in each checkbox.
In an object's proerties, if you have opacity at 0 you won't see it in the layout
Member since 30 May, 2014