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  • Hello. I am making a game, which at the beginning loads a dictionary.

    When testing it with the preview on my pc or with the remote view on my cell phone, the game opens correctly. But when I convert it to an apk, the game doesn't even open and it freezes on the construct logo.

    Is it compatible to use the "dictionary" for android games? Or what could be the problem?

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  • Hey, did you mean that the browser tab more or less 'freezes' when you close the Image Editor? I had that problem too, quite often for a while, but currently I am not experiencing that anymore, I didn't get/apply any updates (using the Stable version) so I don't know how or why it disappeared.

    What happened to me was that now and then I couldn't do anything on the browser tab anymore after closing the Image Editor. If I clicked again on the screen, it would give that typical 'program not responding' overlay and the cursor would show a loading sign, and I couldn't do anything no matter how long I waited.

    Yes, I would like to know if there is any way to close only the image editor, without closing the entire program, because doing the same thing several times is getting boring. It's a very long game and doing the same thing too many times makes me lose my will. I'm sure there is a way to do it, but I don't know how. I press ctrl+alt+del, but it only gives me the option to close the whole program.

  • Hello. Every time I edit an image and then when I want to close the window, the program crashes and if I don't save the progress, everything I did is lost because the only solution is to close the program because it doesn't respond. I would like to know if there is any way to solve this and not lose all the progress since I am now in that situation. I can't be editing images and constantly saving the file. It is not practical. I attach an image. I'm already tired of this situation... Yesterday it happened to me twice and all my work was lost. And today the same.


  • Hello. I'm making a game for the internet and I wanted to know how I could advertise it, specifically that users see an ad in exchange for coins that serve to do things in the game. I would also like users to be able to buy the coins. I'd like to know if Construct has something like that for games running from a website. I clarify that the game will not be for android, since the MONOPOLY CRIMINALS OF THE DEEP STATE (Google), forbade me to monetize my apps and do not give me explanations. That's why I'm going to make the game for the website.

  • ok, thank. I didn't quite understand how it works but I'll see it better tomorrow.

  • How can I prevent my variables from being hacked without consulting my server?

    Is there a way to prevent my variables from being hacked without using a server? Construct offers any way to prevent variables from altering?

  • Is that how it works.

    In construct 2 the syntax was different.

  • I need to send some data to my database. for that I use ajax and php, and "post to url".

    However, it is not sent and I do not know the reason, since I have done it in construct 2 without problems, but in construct 3 that changed and I don't know what the problem is.

    I have it complete as follows:

    TAG: "Send"

    URL: "https://domain.com/carpet/senddata.php"

    DATA: "name ="&varName&"mail="&varMail&"pass="&varPass


    I also want to clarify that my php files are perfectly since I have tried it from another place and it works. The problem arises in construct3 ...


  • I need to work with base 64 code. But I don't see that I can easily get it in build 3. Instead this c2 plugin allowed me to get base 64 from each image.

  • Does this plugin exist for construct 3? Because the canvas that comes with construct 3 does not have the same functions.

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  • Is there a way to compile for older Android versions, or can it only be up to version 5.1?

    I don't think there are so few devices with old versions of android. But from what I see it is very difficult to compile for older versions. I'm sure there are millions of devices in the world that still use old versions.

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