Does anyone know if it's possible to set the flash behaviour to continuous rather than stipulating a time? I know I could just give it a crazy big number or create a function using timers/every X seconds, but it would be handy if I could just set it to run indefinitely (setting it to -1 seconds, for example).
Hi maxwell88 one way might be:
Create a global variable e.g. totalWidth
Put all your sprites in a family e.g. allSprites
Trigger once:
System|For each allSprites: System|Add allSprites width to globalwidth
Set text on text object to globalwidth
There's a system condition "If number is NaN" that you can use to check.
You don't even need to set the size of Array or loop it to get the data into array, the following will do:
On start of layout: AJAX|Request dataBase.json (tag "data")
AJAX | On "data" completed: Array|Load from JSON string AJAX.LastData
This should automatically resize the array for you and load in the data.
Glad to be of service
First move sprite 2 to sprite 1 so that it is in the correct position.
Then pin sprite 2 to sprite 1.
You only need to do this once, not every tick - currently you keep pinning sprite 2 to sprite 1 from its current position continuously so it stays where it is
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You're welcome
Hi auramatt,
For this you're best off saving an array to Local Storage. I've been meaning to work out how to do this for myself for while so thanks for the push <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> I've created an example here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fqk21sm87kma ... .capx?dl=0
I haven't had a chance to add comments to it (in a bit of a rush) and it can probably be tidied up a bit/made more versatile, but it does the job. Try running it a few times to see how it stores the hiscores for each level and then updates them when you next run the project.
There are also a few tutorials that might help you with other ways to go about it; the second one uses the old Web Storage but you can convert it for Local:
https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/307/ar ... ers/page-3
https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/581/to ... and-arrays
Let me know if you need a better explanation and I'll upload a new version with comments. Hope that helps! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
radhaw Like this:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2a8hco5ntsg6o ... .capx?dl=0
A relatively simple fix would be to put a large invisible sprite over the area that you want to register analogue stick input and do your input check on that. Unless you're planning on adding in extra buttons, I'd probably do the same for the shoot button as well so that the user doesn't miss the shoot inputs.
Check out this tutorial, I reckon it's got you covered:
PixelByPixel Certainly would, been a fan of Conway's Game of Life since way back - I get why you wanted the grid check now
Member since 9 May, 2014