LOL, don't worry, it happened to me with some games, I will upload a game soon so you can play it at school, it will be quite long so it may take time to load but it has 1hr duration.
Hi, what problem did the game give you?
I just tried it and it works fine but I know that some games can give problems depending on the screen or the device on which it is played.
This is sick,you even left the project to download, you are the true MVP
This possibility never crossed my mind, I already want to see how you did it <3
Thank you very much, those beautiful words support me to continue working!
I will continue to launch more and better games, if you want to see the progress of some of my games,especially Super Awesome Princess you can take a look in my twitter from time to time.
Have a nice week and stay awesome! :D
Thank you, these will be the mini games that I will implement in Super Awesome Princess Co-Op
You can play it with your friends at the end of each level to get more points and cash, the points unlock skills and cash unlocks skins and color palettes to
customize your characters :D
Coming soon to Android, IOS, PC and the scirra arcade
I played it again and it cost me a lot not to die xD, at first it was very easy
and at the end of everything it is a special event you have to have all the samples and enough points to be able to unlock the credits.
although this was my first time creating an enemy spawn so it has quite a few bugs that I have already fixed in Awesome party.
Soon I will be able to move all my games to so people can download them,I will put more levels,I will solve all the problems and polish them a little more and I will put a version for android :D
So stay tuned on twitter for when I announce new versions, I will definitely take your suggestions into account and you will see them soon in the game <3
thanks for the feedback!
have a great day <3
if you can see parts of the map that you should not see please tell me, it does not affect the game at all, but I would like to know to correct it.
This is checked in the credits, if you see the credits screen and part of the map notify me
osea checa la pagina de facebook que te deje, por ahí me puedes contactar porque no tengo otra manera de contactar con la comunidad.
y ya me dices por ahí en que te puedo ayudar si tienes discord me lo mandas por ahi si quieres ;D
claro man,manda un mensaje a la pagina con los detalles mas a fondo de que te gustaria hacer osea si me doy una idea pero alomejor lo que tienes en mente es mas complejo o mas sencillo,y subo la imagen con el sistema y si esta muy largo pues sale video de construct 3 con este tema
Man,me alegra ver que continuas con el cubo, cada vez probando nuevos sistemas,es siempre bueno encontrar a creadores en español si necesitas ayuda con algunos sistemas checa mi pagina de facebook
subo algunos sistemas funcionales y si necesitas ayuda con uno sin problemas te ayudo a programarlo. :D
This is very good!
It looks like something finished and well done, an inspiration to continue making video games, it is something that I would undoubtedly buy on steam but it only has two problems, first of all there is not much introduction about what we are doing there.
and second, the performance...
not putting it in full screen helps something, but in general it still feels a bit slow
Se ve que vas por buen camino compañero, es interesante encontrar a otras personas que hablen español, si quieres checa algunos de mis juegos por si te interesa algún consejo de mi parte y visita mi pagina de facebook para que aprendas mas acerca de construct 3 y estés haciendo grandes juegos pronto.
dejare una imagen para que veas como hacer que el hacha dispare mas fluidamente osea para que solo des un click y lanze un hacha o dos con animacion y que hacer en caso de que toque un enemigo.
Buen trabajo igual,vas muy bien
Will you be able to reach the end?
the game does have an ending, remember that your mission is to collect all the samples and of course kill as many zombies as you can. ;D
Now that construct has everything unlocked I plan to add some unlockables for those who finish the game, this project received a complete redesign and that's why it took so long to get it out, I did not want to offer only a shooting gallery, so I created a whole map and story for the game ,I hope you enjoy it.
it's very good
everything is implemented in a good way.
Member since 23 Aug, 2020