Blitz breaker is out now on Steam and! Check it out:
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From the begining!
This is a concept I whipped up over the last week for a platformer(-ish) game for mobile (pc is a maybe).
I started with a simple vine and the idea of a one touch platformer style game. The basic premise is that your only move is a dash that keeps going until you hit something, then you can dash again. You keep doing that until you get to the end of the level. This is that result in the form of a vine:
I fleshed it over the next week, and liked the concept quite a bit. So, here is a video of that concept. The basic premise is that your only move is a quick dash that keeps going until you hit something, then you can dash again. You keep doing that until you get to the end of the level.
So that has evolved a bit more, here's some more progress.
Complete a level within the goal:
And the character sprite:
I am very undecided about the art style I want to pursue. I love this limited colour palette, but I want to achieve a similarly minimal art style, while still showing some detail to compliment it. Kind of a step above the detail of what the guys doing Planetoid are doing: but not by much.
I'm also sketching many ideas for levels, so I'll probably work on them while figuring out the art.