Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • THe link doesn't work anymore, is there a working link for this effect?

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  • > The AMD/NVIDIA thing is just brilliant, is it in rev 0.22 beta1 afayk?


    I've asked them about the current progress, let's hope we'll get a response soon.

    EDIT: Got a response in less than 5 minutes, just amazing.



    Still not in the nightly build, not a big deal as long as it will get implemented

  • The AMD/NVIDIA thing is just brilliant, is it in rev 0.22 beta1 afayk?

  • I see NWjs v 0.21.1 is available for download, anyone tried it already?

    It works fine, but i'm on 0.22 now

  • Just make the features you want to be separated modular (so you can swhich them on/off with a variable).

  • I'm wondering if there's an easy way to check if a sprite is overlapping another sprite or a coordinate, with one of its imagepoints. So far i've just created a second smaller sprite on the imagepoint i wanted to test, tested the overlapping and destroyed it. But that's inefficient and requires to test For Each instance.

    EDIT: seems like i can use pick overlapping point: can i use it without for each, if i need to test multiple objects?

  • Problem Description

    If you issue a wait and after it a CONDITION and an action, if you save/load during the wait, the action is not carried out.

    Attach a Capx

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/pb9dr3id2 ... d+bug.capx

    Description of Capx

    there's a button that starts a wait, and after 10 seconds the button is destroied. if you save and load during the wait, the button is not destroyed as supposed to.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    -start the wait/timer


    -wait 10 sec -> button is destroyed

    -load -> wait and no destruction happens

    Observed Result

    the destroy action is not carried out after loading the game

    Expected Result

    the destroy action should be carried out after loading, even if using a dummy condition (check the events for explanation)

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • Internet Explorer: YES
    • NW.js YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 ultimate 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Use Else.

    For example:

    • Object is not between 179-181 -> no events
    • Else -> destroy

    You can add trigger once after Else to optimize

    You should also add a condition to pick all the objects at 180°, since Else doesnt pick them

  • I've encoutered an issue with buttons and the dragging behaviour:

    Do the following:

    - Create a button, and create a Sprite with the dragging behaviur, put the button ON TOP of the Sprite.

    • Try dragging THE BUTTON (nothing happens).
    • Now drag the draggable Sprite.

    What happens is the bug...

    Now, I know some of you will promptly recommend to avoid the premade buttons al along, but it's too late, as our project has hundred of them!

    I know there are some js commands to disable certain built-in features, like "document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e){e.preventDefault();}, false);" used to disable the NW.js context menu, etc.

    So I'm asking if there is a similiar way to disable the "button" dragging thing... would be really appreciated!

    Thank you

    UPDATE1: I've found a dirty workaround, when mouse id over a button, the sprite disables the drag behaviur, and vice-versa. I don't like it but at least it works.

    UPDATE2: I've concluded the bug has nothing to do with dragging, but it's a button/bar objects problem that arises if you mess with them for some time. I think a fix can only come from js.

  • Recommended specs will always be high. The minimum specs should be able to be much lower considering the 2D nature of the game, however because of serious limitations that are endemic to Construct's codebase, which are continuously denied but easy to spot just by looking at the engine code, that hasn't been possible. Even low resolution pixel art games stutter, and that's not just due to garbage collection.

    It's simply not a tool for any sizable - or sustainable - game development, period, in its current state. Or seemingly in C3, based on the expectations of either a browser-based or wrapped-browser IDE, on either desktop or mobile, and certainly not on any console, marketing claims aside.

    I'm not even sure the appropriate words exist in the English language to fully express the frustration I had getting even acceptable, let alone good, performance in Sombrero - and I've been dealing with web-based tech professionally for around 20 years. While I understand some (Ashley) will blame others for performance issues, that's simply not the case here - the engine just can't cut it for anything large, and definitely not anything that is meant to run at resolutions expected out of modern desktop games, 2D or otherwise.

    Don't even get me started on collision (or often, lack thereof) issues, unstable frame rates, buggy native behaviors that Scirra refuses to fix (jumpthrough issues, for example), or missing features that are common enough that I can comfortably say they're available with any other option natively - and by "natively" I mean the actual definition of the word, not the one that Scirra misuses all too often to obfuscate performance issues that can be linked directly to C2.

    Anyways, live and learn. There's other tools out there without these issues. I'd suggest looking into them. The event system is cool, but the albatross it's currently shackled to is held together with duct tape and bubble gum that's icky and gooey and the seams are showing.

    Checking the spec required by your game it seems odd to me it requires so much. Me and my team mate work on a large project as well (check DinoSystem on Steam), which simulates a whole ecosystem with dozens animals roaming, eating, hunting, mating and doing their buisiness, hundreds plants growing, a dynamic weather system, seasons, thousand objects on the map. Still, the game runs fine on my mid-range laptop.

    I agree C2/3 with html5/wrapper is not the more efficient engine to work on a large project, but still seems strange Sombrero needs that specs. Maybe its the destructible world feature or collisions, i'm quite curious about it and would like to know more.

  • great, let's hope so!

  • Do you think most plugins and effects for C2 will be compatible with C3 as well?

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