Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • Just a quick update, it turns out NW.js 0.18 had a bug which broke Construct 2 games. It's already been fixed though and apparently there will be an 0.18.1 release tomorrow. Assuming that works, we'll have a NW.js update out then.

    That would also explain why you couldn't get 0.18 to work!

    Thank you Ashley! That's a relief

  • It strongly depends on the game you're making: our game took over 2 years, being a survival game on top of a complex ecosystem simulator. With C2 you can make large games as well, if you know how to organize your workflow and optimize, and definitely if you know how to use the C2 event system.

  • We should have an official installer out shortly for NW.js 0.18. I think updating from the direct download is easy to make a small mistake and break it!


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  • lol, I'm so used to directly update from the nw site that forgot about it

  • I've installed the new stable NW.Js v0.18.0 (http://nwjs.io/downloads/), and my game doesn't preview (perpetual white loading window). Do you happen to have the same problem?

  • To be honest I personally have no idea on how I could approach this. My game is based on the concept of an old GBA game, meaning that there are units off-screen that fight each other and I have no clue on how I could destroy them and keep the illusion of them fighting off-screen.

    I got a similiar game here. You can only work on the object that do not interact / fight while offscreen. You can use arrays to keep track of objects variables/position etc, and destroy/recreate them depending on their position/distance from the scrollx/y. Of course, this could be a double edged sword, as the performance impact of the creation/destruction (which should never happen every tick) could exceed the benefict of the reduced object number.

  • My game can only use solution 3, as it is a big game world with an emergent "ecology". Solution 1 is doable in theory, but the amount of layers is too high to use it, as many objects use their own layers also to trigger events and so on.

    There are some "persistent" objects which are destroyed / recreated based on camera position (happens on a timer, i carefully tested the trade-offs).

    All in all, if you know how to use timers and don't exceed with webgl effects, the main issue is number of objects, as we all know...

  • I made my own group watcher in the events, lol

  • Wow, why didn't i find it, i've searched for hours for an expression xD ty!

  • I'm trying to calculate the difference between 2 angles, but if i use the .angle expression, as you may expect, it doesn't work well, because it reaches 360 and then jumps to 0. So for example, is angle 1 is, say, 345, and angle 2 15, it calculate the difference of 330, while it is just 30.

    Is there another way to do this?

  • Short answer: you can.

    Long answer: yes, you can,

  • Although i'm very happy NW gets updated very often, i agree with Silver that it's better to be "stuck" to a stable version and update only when a major version comes out, it's better both for time purposes and continuity.

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