See this capx.When p is pressed,Game is paused.
When R is pressed,Game is resumed.
You would need a global variable for each number to check if the answer give adds up to correct amount
An Einstein (Programming version)
Mirroring is easier than manually setting the width.
He is right.Attach a capx and post.
It will give the angle(A value)
Does that work?(I have never used pause before)
If so,
Make a global variable called "Pause" initial value =0
When clicked on pause button,make it 1
If 1 AND clicked on pause button,make it 0
If "Pause"=1 ,Disable group
If "Pause"=0,Enable group
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Perhaps put all the game events into a group,and disable it.Try!
Trigger once
I use GimpShop. Paint doesn't deal with Transparency, Gimp uses layers, has many graphic effects built in, and of course handles transparencies very well.
No Paint.NET supports transparency,layer and lot more.
Congra for 500th..!!
Does the work?
I know inkscape but not Curve. Can you post an URL?
I should have included a bracket there.I meant making curves with Inkscape.
Why do you use macosx?
C2 does not support Macintosh right now.
Member since 10 Dec, 2013