SoldjahBoy , sorry i am in holiday now for a month , but i will explain to you :p
To get a Data from a specific cell , you can do it with this Expression
Command : Listview.SubTextAt(indexOfTheRow , indexOfTheColumn)
Listview.SubTextAt(4,1) -> will return "Emily" , Row index is 4 , the 1 is the zero-based index of the Column Last Name
To insert Data in a cell , i did not add that function , SORRY for that , i forget it :p , but here is another way to do it
let's say you have this Row -> "Text1:TEXT2:TEXT3:TEXT4" with index 1 and you want to change the cell with the index 2 which is "TEXT3" to "123456789" you do like this
Command : Add Row at(IndexRow,RowData)
Add Row at
Text : Listview.SubTextAt(1,0)&":"&Listview.SubTextAt(1,1)&":123456789:"&Listview.SubTextAt(1,3)
after the Modified Row is added at index 1 , the Old Row will be at Index 2 , so you have just to remove it with
Command: Remove At
Remove At(2)
Hope it helps you