> I'm making a big MMORPG online game
> many many npc chat word need to store about 10000line
> i tried Dictionary&listbox
> but its very slow!
> about 10sec
> please may i ask any good idea about store 10000+line text?
> the best way i wish to store the file in RAM
> but i don't know how to
> thankyou
Use project files as guys say. And just instead of one massive file make smaller ones per area,location or city. Once in the area, just load it in to array. And you don't need to do it all at once ( since player still has some time to get to location with npc's I assume ), just several lines of code every x seconds (ms). Be gentle
guess no one Understand my **** english
my all of NPC chat text == local project file
not read from server
if you wanna to know what i'm talking about
You should try to write your own 10,000*100-word at array/Dictionary
and read it