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  • There is no need for a capx becouse just by placing the effect anywhere in the project causes the computer to crash and also construct 2.

    I think its just my graphics card (Its also updated ), but its ok I will just try to avoid using that effect.

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  • When I was working on a game I was trying to place some effects on it, every effect works well, but the oil painting effect causes my computer to crash and shows a deep black screen for 3 seconds and then it "displays" again windows, but it also crashes construct 2 making it imposible to close (only by closing it with task manager).

    Here are somo photos from my screen (My computer is in spanish, it just says that the graphics card stopped working and it recovered by itself and also that webgl has stopped working, the other one is when I try to close construct 2).

    I have an intel core i3 540 with 8gb of RAM with all windows updates.

    Sorry for my english I´m Mexican



  • At least for internet explorer C2 its not so adapted, but even with chrome and firefox the assets are too many for a server to handle or to load and wont load.

    you should repeat sprites in your game thats how in super mario bros they can handle many for example bushes and clouds are the same sprite but with different effects and it does not matter so much becouse is a background: http://www.cannotunsee.net/image/444799979

    You should also consider this information:


    hope this can solve your problem

  • I´m using windows 7 ultimate SP1,

    My antivirus is: "ESET SMART SECURITY 7" and also malawarebytes pro.

    I installed it as an administrator

  • I´m having an error when installing

    "Setup was unable to create the directory C:/Program files/construct 2/exporters/html5/node-webkit/win32 Error 5 access is denied"

    This ocurred when installing R173&R174 but with older versions there was no error, also I dont have any restrictions in my hard drive or

    something similar, this only occurs in "win 32" directory.

    I have to enter safe mode on windows and delete manually the directory.


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5VYe6 ... sp=sharing


    I´m mexican and my computer is in spanish so I translated the error.

  • I need another way to save my games into the internet but I want to avoid dropbox or google drive becouse the have low bandwidth and I need more space for saving my games.

    It would be excellent if it is free but I can spend some cash into this

  • Have you ever tried to test your project/game on phones or tablets that you dont have.

    Now you can just enter to:


    This will help you tu check if something is available.Like test Web RTC availability for a platform you chan check it from here.

    or to check if a platform supports Web GL you can check from here.

  • I need to change the icon that shows son windows.

    Instead of the compass i would like to change the icon to something else

  • I will participate demostrating how the world will change if we continue contaminating.

    Some gray clouds with the blur effect will do it

  • Im developing a small game that uses the multiplayer plugin.

    After reading the tutorials that Ashley made Im developing my own game using the multiplayer plugin.

    My game is just about jumping platforms, but before I start making the levels Im stablishing the multiplayer settings and I just want to see how the other people moves though the world.

    Im Having troubles when connecting to the peer´s movement, the peer can see the host moving but the host cannot see the peer moving

    I will provide a CAPX.

    NOTE: Since I´m from Mexico my main language is spanish, and so my game global variables and sprite´s names are in spanish

    Google drive URL: "https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5VYe6zdQHNjSWFSaUpKd3FXdGM/edit?usp=sharing"

  • Hi I am Martin and im from Mexico

    I am 15 years old and I will present a project for my final grade.

    While most of other students are doing common volcanoes and boring demostrations, I will make a chemistry simulator like l "little alchemy"

    I will ask the teachers to bring their ipads and I will host the project over wifi so while I explain they can try it by themselves.

    ¿Do you think this is a good idea?

    ¿Hosting 15 or more people would make the wifi become slow?

    thank you

  • Suppose I won $3 on level 1 (layout 1), and on level 2 (layout 2) there is a store I am intersed to buy.

    But when I get to the new store I have no money.

    I want to store the money on instance variables but when i get to a new layout, the instance variable resets,

    I think this can be done using the dictionary but im not sure

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Member since 31 Oct, 2013

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