I've never used it myself but I heard that Quest is good for making text based games (I've done some research for my game). You might want to at least check it out. http://textadventures.co.uk/quest
Yes, it is possible. C2 might not be the Best option out there though. But it can (and has) been done.
There are quite a few videos and tutorials on water effects in C2. Just gotta search a around a bit.
Yes, it's quite annoying.
Also, account alerts don't seem to be working correctly anymore.
Add the Browser object to your project and you can do it.
You're welcome. I simply searched construct 2 best looking games. An image with the features you described came up on the first page, from there I just searched the name from the image in youtube.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
No, I don't think so.
Use on pressed instead of is down.
No problem. The reason it didn't work the first time is because the array wasn't loaded in time. If you want to call the array from another layout, after the one with this code is on it runs, you can set the text on the start of the new layout without any issues.
Ok... But I found your video so it doesn't really matter right?
As a test, move the Set Text to Array... action up right under Load from JSON string and see if it works.
Member since 5 Oct, 2013