rayolaser's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello!

    I want to know if it is possible to request tweets from a specific account and call them in my game. I want to make a newsfeed that is based on real tweets from a specific news account. Thanks!

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  • LittleStain thx! hope you can find it!

  • Hey LittleStain could you please post the capx for that last scrolling example you presented?

  • you actually managed to replace the screen touch for a mouse

  • Nice example! Please post .capx

    Hi all.

    So I've been playing around with making a custom scrollbar. I need one to scroll through a series of images.

    I've come close thanks to these:



    Thanks to rexrainbow I have a custom scrollbar and it works great so far. But you can only scroll text with it.

    Has anyone managed to create a variant of this that allows you to scroll through images instead of text? Or does anyone have any tips on how to go about doing that?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Does anybody know how to use the mouse for scrolling instead of the touch button?

    Behavior: scrolling

    Update: 2013/06/29

    Note: this behavior is for text plugin or official sprite font plugin, NOT for sprite.

    This behavior try to make official text object become a "scrollable" text object by maintain a content buffer in plugin.


    Capx - scroll next line

    Capx - scroll bar

    There are two sample capx files. One is scrolled by keyboard, the other is scrolled by scrollbar.


    Set content

    - action: Set content

    - action: Append content


    - action: Scroll by percentage (combine with scrollbar)

    - action: Scroll to next line/Scroll to previous line

    - action: Scroll to next page/Scroll to previous page

    Get content

    - expression: Text

  • Hello, I'm posting an example of how you can create menus in construct 2 in case anybody's still wondering about this.


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