Welcome to the community!
Most important point to note is that Ashley is a guy...
Q1. There's a link at the bottom of the page that links to a free bundle of assets that you can use with your game making practices. I think that might be what you're looking for. The thing about practicing making games, unless you are going to hire someone to make your assets for you, it's worth starting to learn how to make graphics now. Either you'll become an ace, or you might want to keep your limits in consideration when you get into more design detail - you might want to get a friend in to help...
Regarding your question 2... The tutorials and the manual are both great resources. The tutorials cover lots of topics and, although it might seem daunting at first, it's worth reading through some of the more popular basic tutorials to gauge your level of understanding and ability. Then I would suggest you try and make a really simple game. Think of the most simple game you can, then think of a simpler version of that - and then try and make it - and I mean really finish it. Although C2 allows you freedom from having to code, you will still have to develop lots of game logic and the only way to become proficient is to practice, get stuck (read manual / tutorial), make progress, get stuck (read manual / tutorial) and so on.
Good luck and enjoy!