In my game, I have an object that creates skid mark objects when it moves that I want to stay permanent. I don't want the objects to stick around though, as having tons of sprites on the screen will bog down the game. How can I have a layout "take a picture" of the trail of sprites every tick, so I can have the skidmarks appear to stay but remove the sprite?
Oh, yeah! INT! I forgot about that. Thank you so much, I appreciate the help!
I want to compare values "Blahh1" and "Blarg2", to see which number is higher.
However, trying to compare them doesn't work, because I cannot "cut off" the word part of the variable.
Is there a way to fix this?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
That does help! Thank you very much.
If you don't mind relying on WebGL effects, you could have the following:
If [Bullet] overlaps [Player] ~~~then~~~ Destroy [Bullet] Set [Player] effect [Brightness] [200] Wait [0.05] seconds Set [Player] effect [Brightness] [100] Wait [0.05] seconds Set [Player] effect [Brightness] [200] Wait [0.05] seconds Set [Player] effect [Brightness] [100][/code:6b2cmud1] That code makes the player flash twice. Make sure you give [Player] the tint effect first!
It seems I have to select an object, where I need it to be specified by name.
Now that Apple is embracing gamepad cases for their phones and such, can we have our games detect and work with the gamepads?
I use the "retro-style game" template all the time, and I recently saved over it. Where can I redownload it, so I can put it in Construct2's "templates" folder? (I have found it and deleted the saved-over version of the retrostyle template.))
LittleStain Many thanks!
For anyone who finds this thread, here's what the manual says:
"Load image from URL
Load an image from a given URL. The current animation frame will be replaced with the image. It is not shown until the image has finished downloading, and On image URL loaded triggers. Images loaded from different domains are subject to the same cross-domain restrictions as AJAX requests - for more information see the section on cross-domain in the AJAX object. Data URIs can also be passed as an image, e.g. from a canvas snapshot or webcam image. The Size parameter sets whether the Sprite object will be set to the image size when it loads, or whether to keep its current size and stretch the image."
Is it possible to load an image from the internet as a sprite? I want to be able to insert a sprite that I can change at any time while the user is online, because the sprite is an image from a website that I own.
I want to be able to "pair" two separate objects, when there are several of each object.
For example: I want a green square to set it's position to a red square every tick, but there are multiple red and green squares. Each red and green square needs a partner.
KFC Thanks.
Member since 26 Aug, 2013