You could use a global variable as a condition i.e. On Touched(if variable=0) > Do touch. Then if you set variable to 1 when the game is paused, the touching will not work. Another way you can do it is to put all the major touch logic into a group and disable the group when the game is paused.
If by attach you mean create object(bullet) then yeah use the player box. use the player sprite just for the animations.
Look at the level Ghost Shooter(Tutorial) that comes with C2
ArcadEd Ah you got in there a second before me this time lol'd
If health > 100, set health 100
dzaky Alkaff
By that I meant When Player Is On Floor(Player is colliding with flat floor object)
If you don't plan to use multiple floor objects you can use variables to determine the angle that the floor is at, therefore floor is flat=0degrees so When Player Is On Floor(FloorAngle=0)
If you select the layout and look on the left side at the layout properties you will see a field called Event Sheet where you can assign any one event sheet to the current layout. When using the On Start Of Layout event it will affect any of the layouts using that event sheet.
Assign an instance variable for each colour
Use rand(min,max) on start of layout to select a random number
Use create object to create all objects with rand as instance variable
Assuming you are using two different objects for flat floor and angled floor...
When Player is On Floor (Cond: Floor is flat) > Play animation Normal
When Player is On Floor (Cond: Floor is angled) > Play animation Slide
For AI, look at Pathfinding in the manual. To compare distance you want to use the system expression distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) where 1 is object 1 and 2 is object 2.
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Take out the Wait and it's fine. Set the Y check for the Y co-ords you want instead of waiting 1 second.
Kinda. That could loop properly. Would need to be tested. Also you'd need to delete the old one that was overlapping the player.
Member since 5 Aug, 2013