Hi, in event 51 you need to add a set level to 1 action.
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Yeah you can just create those and set their position during run time.
Are you sure you have enough layers already? haha. I don't see a problem with having each in their own layer which you lock and then move them to the correct layer on start of layout. I wouldn't deal with 200 objects in the editor though, I would find out what I wanted to do in game and make logic to create them during run time, but that's me.
Events 13-16 you're checking if Joystick is greater or less than its own x,y? Shouldn't that be Joystick.x greater than Back.x etc
I don't know what else to say except yes that should work.
I would do :
Every tick set animation frame to 'variable'
Bullet on collision with red block, add 1 to 'variable'
Bullet on collision with red block
and variable = 3, set variable to 0.
Keep the layers the same across the layouts and it'll be fine. If it's on layer 4 (by order, not name) on layout 1 it will remain on layer 4 in the list on layout 2.
At the start of layout, set a global variable to be Coins.count, then set the text to show the global variable.
Create a sprite on click down, set its angle to touch and increase its height as you move away from initial touch.x, touch.y.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xtzk3jndgvth ... .capx?dl=0
It's the first one with an & before Coins.count. It is an expression, don't put it inside ""
Coins is the object, whatever you called it.
Hiya, number of coins in layout is coins.count
Member since 5 Aug, 2013