I like the idea of Construct 3, but feel like I am a paying beta tester at this point.
Previews wont load in Chrome, Chrome crashes and says it runs out of memory.
Saving is slow..couldnt tell you how many times I didn't realize it wasn't done saving to Google Drive before I closed chrome to go run some errands or something come back and realize a chunk of work is missing and I have to re-do it. It doesn't help that the percentage stays at 0% no matter how far it is into the save process.
Loading a project is pretty slow as well. I mean its not horrible, but a couple of minutes...Construct 2 loaded bigger projects in like 10 seconds.
Now I put a lot of work into the Construct 3 project after importing from Construct 2 project trying to get it in a state where I can put up a trailer in Steam as its already approved, but using Construct 3 is only making it more difficult and more time consuming than it already is without these issues.
The problem with creating something for a browser is that browsers can be different based on the user. So many different variables to account for. Horrible decision to make construct 3 browser based.
Fairly disappointed in Construct 3, way step backwards in regards to usability from what Construct 2 is, and its the same thing, not really anything to new or great to spend the extra money on. I don't want to hear the blah blah its in beta, blah blah it has bugs, blah blah. I paid for it already, I should at least be able to use it in a reasonable way.
Man I am not looking forward to going back to Construct 2 and re-doing weeks of work. *Sigh