My advice is to buy the software (for your own good , and trust me on this , its a freaking deal to have this software).
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
With free version you can only export for html 5.
For monetizing , kindly read the manual and user terms
I see ,
so , do you have any alerts?
For app not showing up , can you upload a screen??
For Android you need android developer account , for Apple you need Apple developer.
refais23 , no tracking code has been added to the apps.
Let me double check when i return to the office , and i will inform you.
I have created more than 6 , 7 , 8 games , all had Google analytics support , and i did absolutely nothing,
Maybe because i have a premium account? No quite sure about that.
Hi ,
what do you mean?
You tried to import it and what happens?
Here is my portfolio and recommendations .
If you are interested you can message me.
Thank you.
With global variables , store it (set value ) and it will be available to use it on any layout.
Just make sure , you dont reset variables on start of the layout!!! (been there twice lol)
PERFECT , i will give it a try again , this little .....
Some of my best ideas came from Morpheus....
Member since 30 Jul, 2013