DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Agree with boony.

  • Having 4 kids my background noise is generally nickeldeon related :

    when their in bed ... siiiilllleeeeeennnceee    ;p

    Lol, Cbeebies, nickeldeon, etc - just want every non parent to endure what we have to lol.

    I've learned to love "Silence", especially when I work now.

    I have outside office, but when my little one joins me, he sits on my lap and watches Super simple songs on youtube on the 2nd monitor whilst I do some work on primary monitor - lol.

  • YES thats an option sure , but it would be nice to have it complete in preview here , but i will find a way ,no prob

    Ideally you could request from Ashley a empty stylesheet (texbox thing) that is included with exported project. If not used it is exported empty. And can be filled later then, or not at all.

  • You can sell a bad game that looks, sounds good easier than a good game that looks, well not so good. It's the age we live in.

  • well maybe its sounds not quit right ,

    i live by the motto nothing is imposible! its only more or less difficult ;)

    i will figure it out myself then some workaround   

    Export your game to html then add the css3 stylesheet in using the index file. Won't that work?

    Or else use spritefonts.

  • Thanks, looks good. However I gave up and purchased business license here, was the best feeling uninstalling the steam version.

    Seriously, I went from multiple crashes every couple hours to ZERO issues since I moved away from steam version.

    Best money spent... seriously.

  • Be carefull of steam version. I almost turned grey over the authentication and how it caused a nightmare of issues. I eventually brought the business license from scirra and have uninstalled the steam version.

    Oh, steam were very helpful in solving the issues. (The said they don't care - and I should seek help elsewhere<img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" />) The issues are not C2 specific, it is in all there software. NOT games, software - huge difference.

  • The standard version in question exports to windows and mac destop

    Edit: Oh, also windows 8 export

  • Looking very very good.

  • But you can add it to your exported html project if really want. I now use spritefonts - they also prettier than css3 and can work on any browser

  • lennaert,

    The boys will be waking up soon - Nice way to start a Tuesday morning, lol. So should get a Status update soon.

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  • Maintence doesn't usually take this long. Guess whoever hosting website is having issues. Sounds like VPS.NET (had 50% uptime with them personally - So I like to put in a good word when I can, and brag how great vps.net are <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    Could also be ddos if forum is being hosted on different server, which appears to be.

    Wish the guys luck in whatever they doing/sorting out.

    EDIT: Okay its hosted with amazon aws, but aws reports no outages.

    and paste: nameservers are on the same Class C IP range. This is very bad if you want to be found in the case of outage, or even worst, problems!

    Edit2: looks like they having a few issues from what I can find.

    Agree lennaert (comment below), would be good if they gave us a HELLO

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Member since 17 Jul, 2013

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