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  • JosepM

    Will look at it and post back a bit later.

    I'm trying to think down the road, so that is why I am trying to understand the bigger picture.

    Already you are creating repetitive code. You need to streamline the process.

    (pc, mobile, or both?)

    Be careful of every tick. You can change those when they need to change, not every second....

    Let me have a look... will post back when i get a chance.

  • JosepM

    Sorry been a busy day.

    What we trying to do again. Sorry been a long long day

    Why you looping through it twice?

    Edit: Sorry, my mind is on multiple things, can you put demo capx? with what you trying to do. So I can re aquint myself with what you trying to do? And helps because I don't have to build it to test certain things.

  • DUTOIT, Wow that was sooo coool!!! Haha I am so tempted to try it out!

    Yeah, I was one of the first to get access. I am still in 2 minds about it as a tool. Takes getting used too, but no doubt that it has come along heaps and bounds.

  • Yes, it is just the way it works.

    X = width

    Y = Height

    Z = depth

  • The above is xyz

    7 x

    5 y

    1 z

    That is why I said use c2 to make your array. THen download it as json. Then use the ajax to load the json file into array. It is a long way round, but it saves you in the end.

    I actually have a build data array event sheet which I disable(don't include it), but keep around for later use.

  • JosepM

    Did a small tutawhile ago for someone else.

    Below attached a modified version - Push blue button will download the json file. To get format.

    I create a number of json files and add them as project files and use ajax to pull them in.

    Makes easier editing as you can then edit the json files directly.

    [quote:32r39d5i]How show you to the player for example the owner of each country? or the momevent?

    Pieces overlapping zones could show who owner of country.

    Or count how many pieces he has, if he has more than other player and is overlaping country X, then he has dominaince over that area. You could create instance variable "DominatedBy" and list the players id or something similiar.

    You are going to have to play around with what works best for you, and what your skill set allows you to handle. Keep it simple stupid always seems the best route.

    Dragable pieces. And using overlapping. and storing data to variable instances.

  • {
       [   ["Z1"],      [2],[6],[7],[9]            ],
    I don't know why, but C2 requires the "c2array":true part etc.
    Best bet is to create array using c2, then download it on start of layout. THen check the downloaded file as frame of refrence.
    One big map... I used image points, which can be effective. But breaking it up like you said is also good. 
    Done both ways, each with pro's / cons.
  • i want a 3d game engine with no coding !!!

    2d : Construct 2

    3d : ??????

    They all require coding!!!

    But this is pretty cool

    Examples: Pearl Boy

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • agree with silverforce, if it is pc, go all out and make the best game you can.

  • Lol, just saw this on twitter:

    Product of Death Cycle


  • Is there a reason for this? Are games looked down upon if made with certain tools?

    Simple answer - Yes.

    A game should stand as a completed work, and not what toolset was used to create it...But in my experience, and it is a mindset of end users, who have opinions in general that if they know how it was made they box it into what they think its "value" is.

    If a book (a) took 7 days to write and book (b) took 9 years - people assume the 9 year book is better. Its just the way it is.

    By removing any info about the creation, allows the end product to represent itself in its completed state.

    Of course sometimes it is beneficial to stress how it was made, as it becomes a great marketing venture with software creators etc.

  • Real engineering is not about clicking your fingers and magical rainbow unicorns appear everywhere. It is mostly tradeoffs, sometimes very subtle, that must be carefully balanced.

    This sums it up nicely, and why I have learnt to trust ashley's choices in making this great software.

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