Did a small tutawhile ago for someone else.
Below attached a modified version - Push blue button will download the json file. To get format.
I create a number of json files and add them as project files and use ajax to pull them in.
Makes easier editing as you can then edit the json files directly.
[quote:32r39d5i]How show you to the player for example the owner of each country? or the momevent?
Pieces overlapping zones could show who owner of country.
Or count how many pieces he has, if he has more than other player and is overlaping country X, then he has dominaince over that area. You could create instance variable "DominatedBy" and list the players id or something similiar.
You are going to have to play around with what works best for you, and what your skill set allows you to handle. Keep it simple stupid always seems the best route.
Dragable pieces. And using overlapping. and storing data to variable instances.