DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • If I understand...

    Very easy...

    Using ajax, load json into array.

    Nested responses?

    I create array within array

    0 square1, x, y, bla, ble, blo etc

    0 square2, x, y, bla, ble, blo etc

    0 square3, x, y, bla, ble, blo etc


    I write a function and pass info to the function getdata using params, I then have function return value (whatever it is I was fetching)

    Reading/writing to array is simple easy

  • You can load the json file into either dictionary or array... my preference would be array. You can also save that data back into json into webstorage and then retrieve it from there.

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  • > Naji, I'm going to say this with all respect I owe you : Do you really have to make a new thread every single time an idea goes through your head? This is a rhetorical question.


    First, I don't know what "rhetorical" means. Second, is that means a good or a bad thing?

    But yeah, when I experience something or an awesome or crazy idea pops in my head , I share it with the community for better views, and in return they also get more active, aware and discuss friendly with the community. My topics has an aim that I want the community to receive it.

    Rhetorical basically means he is making a point by asking a question... he is saying do you really have to start a new thread about meaningless stuff.

    Rep is earned via quality, not quantity...

    Let me ask you this...If you could only earn rep points by others actually giving you their rep points and not by making posts/comments/etc... how much rep would you actually have ???

    As for your question I side with others who have mentioned having the world edit your website is not a good idea. It isn't even funny...Ask google who thought it was funny to allow people to write all over your website... what happened was competitors had a field day with leaving a graffiti of bad everything to trash the website ... and the website owner had no control.

    The world is filled with bad people - bored people, who do bad things, or bad people who like to do bad things, either way... it won't be funny, trust me.

  • Save function uses webstorage. So it will be where webstorage is saved. Cache Folders

  • yup already figured out! thanks

    Good. Custom slider is easy enough

  • C2 has depreciated cocoonjs... because a lot of things via cocoonjs don't work (proudly brought to you by ludei and their lack of support)

    Since it was depreciated Ludei has suddenly tried to save face, and made a big show (lots of promises - and very little action), so maybe they will add that to the very long list of issues... I wouldn't hold my breathe though.

  • I don't really like to write code for people, I rather people try it out for themselves and learn, especially new users...but there are so many examples doing things one way, I thought I would try another way and use more advanced techniques. I know you are new, and this is a little over your head, but if you can grasp this, then you are on your way.

    You didn't exactly choose the easiest app to start with - lol.

    This was done quickly. It as raw, and needs some TLC etc etc etc. It is an example, done quickly - okay - lol

    This to steer you in a direction - to get you to focus your learning on certain things. Check the manual and tutorials to find out more about what I tried to do, what I used.

    It works, it just isn't completed in any way or form... Its just to nudge you in the right direction.

    Okay... I...

    Created 2 functions, save and retrieve.

    Functions pass on params and return values

    I and you will use tokenat( it is the easier, but regex is also an option) I counted the spaces (" ") to determine number of words, I created a temp array to store 3 random numbers based on number words. So you don't randomly select same word, of course if player1 has written a word 2 or more times, player2 might get it twice or more.

    I used tokenat to find the 3 random words using the temp random numbers.

    Anyways, all the time I have.

    You can find tutorials on all that I have used, obviously in separate tutorials, I just combined them.

  • Would use arrays, it offers more flexibility... but dictionary will also work. Of course whatever you choose, save to webstorage, very easy to do...

    Check tutorial section you can save array to json or dictionary to json and save that json to webstorage, then all you do is load from webstorage "yourspecialdata" into your array or dict on start of app...

    No need for while loop can save directly via text or whatever...

    What you making, might be easier knowing what you trying to do, to offer best solution.

    For instance I use functions and param, very effective, each param is a set of data...

  • text1&text2&"Something else"&variable1&array.at(0,1) etc

    & being the glue

  • I got steam and scirra versions. No 3rd party plugins in steam version - trust me, that would not be a good thing. I use steam strictly for plugins now (testing)... because it going to crash anyways - lol

    Buy from scirra, you won't regret it. Steam you just might regret it.

  • ajax-in-local-preview-on-localhost50000

    [quote:15ygojsw]And of course, Construct won't let you switch preview browser mid-development

    Of course you can???? I change my default browser constantly. Especially with Multiplayer (chrome crashes a lot, whilst firefox seems more stable)

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