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  • Ashley,

    Steam says I must contact you to resolve the issue.

    They pointed me to this as well...

    "You will need to contact the game's developer/publisher directly for support if you encounter any errors or unexpected behavior which is not related to Steam authentication or CD Keys after the game has loaded."

    Basically, they saying that once steam as authenticated the software and it has loaded, any issues thereafter are for you the developer.

    "Game crashes or errors after the game has been launched (that do not appear in a Steam dialog box)" According to them, is not their problem

  • okay, if script is same then that is fine.

    It's working perfectly again - thank you once again. Still don't know why it wouldn't with beta's.

  • Trust me "Functions" learn how to make one, and use it all the time. Especially when you have player 1,2,50 involved if you ever go that route.

  • I'm win 7 64 bit is fix better 4 64bit?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • program files

    user / appdata / roaming / scirra

    user / appdata / roaming / construct 2

    also check user /appdata / local

    Off the top of my head that is where you would find stuff. Do search to and follow search results.

    Oh, appdata is hidden, you might need to unhide appdata etc

  • What I found useful -

    Obviously a variable, or save to database (array, dictionary) of whose turn it is

    activeturn = "0" (computer, player1, etc)

    activeturn = "1" (human, player2, etc)

    At end of turn, swop activeturn.

    I put all my (computer or player 1 code into a group)

    I put all my (human or player 2 code into a group)

    Then perform a check and disable the non active group.

  • the above software is worth a try. Saved me a few times from complete re install. Basically puts things back to the way they are meant to be, because over time everything gets corrupted i.e registry files/permissions etc etc etc.

    Worth a try - but might help post in bug section cause Ashley might have a better idea what would crash with panel movement.

  • Turn computer on and off? (windows shutdown). This will flush out some stuff that windows loves to hold onto.

    Steam version or standard. Because if steam, might help to delete steam cache.

    Moving panels. And error remains despite reinstalling 3x.

    If it were steam i would hit at the cache, but the above software is worth a try. Saved me a few times from complete re install. Basically puts things back to the way they are meant to be, because over time everything gets corrupted i.e registry files/permissions etc etc etc.

  • Tweaking.com - Windows Repair (All in One) google it, use it first before re-installing everything.

    Unless you haven't much to install that is.

    Could be a number of things, I don't know what error this is 524c151b and can't find it refrenced anywhere.

    Helps to know what you did to create crash. For example open C2. or click grid or something like that.

  • Lol, thank you - it works. What was changes between last beta(s) and this version? Because it didn't work last beta or beta before that.

    So it still works.

    Now to get this implemented in future releases lol :)

  • Unistalled and deleted it - it got stuck in command prompt window. Was since last beta, I'm in communication with steam at the moment with regards to all the issues of Construct 2 using their system.

    Lets hope some progress can be made, else we can convince Ashley to give us standard license until "They" steam/c2 sort out the problems because this is starting to get ridiculous.

  • This fix no longer works :(

    Thanks anyways.

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