Hello everyone, back again to give you some news and update about my game. Well, the first thing I would like to say is just wow. Lol. I had no clue it would take this much effort to make an actual playable arcade game lol. I've been working on this project since September of 2019 and I had ALOT of huge ideas and features I wanted to have in for the game that I have to reconsider keeping in. Some of these features, which was kept as a surprise for the game was a boss battle at the very end. I plan to had the player fought the "father" of the hive in the final level. But could not actually think of a good way for the player to fight it since the player moves fast through mazes and the boss is pretty big size. So, that idea is going to be put on the shelf and just keep it out so it won't ruin the game. Another feature I had plan was custom control. Which allows the player to change the keys to the desired inputs they want as the controls. Spending this much time on this game, I would just rather make the keys have international inputs to save me some time on finishing up the game. I wanted to keep the customize inputs in to make the game feel more legit as an arcade game than a web browser game, but it will just have to do. This is my first huge major game that im planning on selling and releasing. So, with that said, I hope to make it the best it can be.
Here's what the final boss looked like for my game. It's now a scratched idea.