Hey everyone,
I've been playing around with my Android phone for two days to see how things work. Right now i have my game set as Fullscreen in browser: Scale outer which seems to works. The noticeable problem is that the graphics, which look okay on my desktop, are way to small on my Android and this is where my question comes in.
I see two ways to go about this:
1. Either i scale the whole layout to which ever size looks good, let's say 2.0 (twice as large). This however makes most of the layout disappear due to the limited window size so the graphics scale out of screen if you will.
2. I scale every individual graphical element but then they have a much smaller layout to work on since the window size is the same but the objects are twice as big. I can imagine that this approach could make it hard to plan your game levels and stuff like that since they look much smaller on my desktop?
So anyway, I was hoping on some input about best practices when it comes to mobile phones. I guess i want the game to look and act the same on both devices since they use the same aspect ratio, but only with larger graphics on the Android. Or is it so simple that you need to create two versions every time, one for desktop and one for mobile?