I have not messed with constuct 2 in a few weeks because I cannot figure out this For each issue with my enemy.
Event lines 109-125
Goal...When bird has line of site, it swoops down and upon collision with ground it begins a walk... when player contacts bird it brings up this Struggle meter icon and you try to win the battle by pressing Left Right, Left Right, if you when it destroys the bird, if you lose it brings up a heart...
Issue, the code I have creates un knowing results. when i collide and win the struggle, it destroys what seems to be the original placed bird sprite in the scene , even if I collide with the 2nd bird placed in the scene....just some varies things are happening...instead of the events just happening to each bird when the player come in contact with that particular bird......now some one mentioned clarifying instant id's or something......like I would have to rewrite that code for each birds ID..sounds like more work than it should be.