PantuTheDog's Recent Forum Activity

  • Something I'm desperately hoping for is the ability to assign collision points accurately based on precise x and y co-ordinates for the sprite itself. Implementing a grid function, similar to the grid which is available when editing layouts, would make things even easier. Still, on a basic level, it would be super helpful for me to be able to assign collision points based on definite co-ordinates.

    Right now I'm developing a physics based game where I have sprites representing slopes, and currently the collision points have to be set manually and in a very rough manner based on eye judgment. This mean that when I have two different sprites representing two different slopes next to each other in the layout I can only guarantee they will line up perfectly with each other using trial and error. It would mean the world to me in terms of developing my game if I could have a way of knowing for certain that a collision point in one sprite was at a definite x,y position and know the same for the adjacent collision point for the adjacent sprite, so they lined up perfectly allowing for a smooth connection between the two parts of the overall slope.

    A premature THANK YOU! to any Construct developer who sees this and takes action!

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  • I'm creating a platforming game the relies heavily upon physics, and hence the character (which is a ball) and the platforms are all set to have the 'physics' behavior. This works fine when all you want is for the ball to roll around on top of the surface of the platforms, but I would also like the option to have platforms which don't interact with the ball (or any other moveable physics object for that matter) unless the ball (or that other moveable physics object) is above the platform.

    If I were dealing with only one moveable physics objects and one instance of the platform, this wouldn't be so difficult. I could just set the physics collision of the platform to be 'off' unless the ball's Y position was above the top-most Y-position of the platform. But not only will there we multiple instances of the platforms across the stage, each with a different highest Y position, each platform will itself contain many 'highest' Y positions since many of my platforms are curved and sloped.

    Can anybody think about how I might go about achieving this effect using Construct 2's logic system, or will I have to code the physics from scratch using code? (I know nothing about coding by the way!)

    Thanks guys!

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Member since 8 Jul, 2013

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