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  • When talking about multiplayer there is so much that needs to be specified because is a complex topic.

    At minimum you would like to include if it's local, online or both multiplayer and if the game is real time or turn based.

    Then you should specify if you need a server to connect to for login, leaderbord, lobby, etc.

    The more details you give, the more chance you have to be contacted by the right person that can do the job.

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  • You are welcome :)

  • Create an empty text variable.

    At every "click" on the image with the letter, increase the string value:

    Variable = Variable & Sprite.Letter

  • ashconstruct

    Yes, same thing happens, both with Firefox and Chrome.

    I have tested on my ultra-wide screen and on laptop monitor.

    Same result.

    It doesn't happen to you?

  • Can't use the interface to report the spam because hidden.


  • It's incredible how after 11 years from its release, Construct 2 continues to surprise me with its flexibility. Today I was playing around with effects, and I discovered how I could paint on the canvas without using the Canvas Plugin and using a single sprite.

    That's an incredible achievement that gives me more features to add to the art program I want to develop using vanilla Construct 2!

    Stay tuned for updates about this project!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hi Matteo,

    I'm glad to see that Gamindo is keeping improving and expanding.

    I will send you an email :-)


  • Thank you very much Chadori!

    I own you a few hours of help if you might need it in the future!

    You saved me so much time and stress! :D

  • While developing multiplayer games with C3, I miss the chance to do the remote preview with the debug. With C2 it was just a matter to copy and paste on a new tab/window the address, with C3 it's not possible.

    On C3, if I start the Debug Layout and copy it's address on a new page, I will be asked for the remote preview code (that isn't displayed anywhere).

    If I start the remote preview and I try to add /debug somewhere, it doesn't work.

    I have tried and but in both case it doesn't work.

    Is there a way to do it?

    Rely on logs and create temporarily UI just to alter variables during tests is incredibly time consuming and inefficient with developing time and budget, especially when working for clients.

    Any solution about it?

    I have seen some concern in the past, and the work in progress plugin for local preview on the forum from tarek2, Mikal and Chadori. Does that cover the debug as well with local preview.

    What's the solution that everyone is using? Am I perhaps missing something that is already build on C3 and I don't notice it?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I just want to add another option that you might want to consider:

    - Release the game for PC on Steam or other major publisher.

    It's much easier and cheaper, then if you have success and you got lots of money, you can look into porting the game.

    You will not have the budget for porting, but having already published the game elsewhere like on Steam and becoming famous, will make a big difference between trying to steal from you or an unknown person.

    In addition, if you get popular and make money on PC, in the worse case scenario someone steals your code, your time and effort would have already paid back a lot from the PC version.

    On the other hand, if the PC version fails to become popular, it might be actually "good" for you, so you don't attempt to waste more money on porting on console.

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Biim Games

Member since 4 Jul, 2013

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