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  • I just wanting to take a canvas shot of a certain area only - NOT the whole screen and then save that image to later use

    Can't open your file, it's saved as version 195 am on a lower version... but here's how i did it for my game:

    Say the area you want to clip is placed under object (for example a 9patch with a thin frame) called "Viewfinder".

    Create two global variables, OriginalCanvasW and OrginalCanvasH.

    System>On start of layout:

    set OriginalCanvasW = OriginalWindowWidth

    set OriginalCanvasH = OriginalWindowHeight

    Create two functions "ClipSave", called when you click your save button, and "ClipReset", called when "System>On Canvas Snapshot" is fired.


    System>Set Canvas Size to Viewfinder.Width x Viewfinder.Height

    System>Take Snapshot of Canvas


    Do what you need to do with the snapshot (for example Browser>Invoke download of CanvasSnapshot with filename "mysnapshot")

    System>Set Canvas Size to OriginalCanvasW x OriginalCanvasH

    Hope this helps

  • Lookup "System>Canvas Snapshot" in the manual.

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  • Hello, is there a way to produce a snapshot of the canvas at higher resolution than the screen?

    For example I would like to produce an screenshot from my game that can be printed to A4, but it gets pixelated when creating a snapshot from say a 480x800 mobile phone resolution.

    Any tricks or plugins or work-arounds?


  • I need to manipulate the "character scale" attribute of the sprite font.

    EDIT: Never mind, I answered my own question by using tween value. That's what it's there for :)

    Hi, i have the same situation, but couldn't figure out how to use tween value.

    Can you please share a capx or something?

    thanks :)

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