took me quite a while to understand how to use it on another plugin, but I managed to do what I wanted with it in the end, nice job.
on all recent releases since r160, any preview of the project would crash just after loading, I was unable to reproduce that on a small project.
Should I report it with my project file anyway Ashley ?
"Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'GetPlugin' of undefined
at a.Interpolate (pluginSourceAdapter.js:1)
at C3.PropertyTrackState.Interpolate (propertyTrackState.js:1)
at C3.TrackState.Interpolate (trackState.js:1)
at C3.TrackState.SetInitialState (trackState.js:1)
at C3.Tween.SetInitialState (timelineState.js:1)
at C3.Tween.SetInitialState (tween.js:1)
at C3.TimelineManager._OnTick (timelineManager.js:1)
at Array._tickFunc (timelineManager.js:1)
at C3.Event.Handler._FireNonCancellable (handler.js:1)
at C3.Event.Dispatcher.dispatchEvent (dispatcher.js:1)"
thanks ^^
quadissueperf is some kind of performance test where you create tons of instance until the limit of your computer's ability, the number of instances you get in the end is the result
isn't "pick all" fulfilling that purpose?
No 2.1.0+ version of the plugin is compatible with workers, when initializing, it freezes due to an uncaught error:
"Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: window is not defined"
Just to inform you, I just won't set worker enabled
I very much like the fix about the multiple projects preview.
I couldn't isolate it, after checking the internet too, and seeing the number of issues with physics of a similar nature, I concluded the best way to fix that was to not use physics behavior at all. (btw the error is "c3runtime.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: self.Box2DWasmModule is not a function" and already happened previously on my project a long time ago and I had to reach the same conclusion)
I had the same problem and it seems to come from physics, I'm going to try to make a test file and then later an issue
ok, I'll do a mix, thanks
Saved the good version, same link
I exported to check, it's working WackyToaster
I deleted sheets one by one to check which one caused the error, and i forgot to do a Ctrl+Z before saving...
wait, gonna check
The TextColor sheet is the one causing the problem
I deleted everything unecessary
Sorry that all the problems are always with me...
Member since 1 May, 2018