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  • Ok well the split way would work anyway so that's good

  • Thanks.

    To split it would be very messy.

    I tried the array value way and doesn't seem to work.

    here is a link to the project file ....

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  • Cheers mate.

    Do you mean split the text into two array items i.e. set text object to, 1) &newline&, 2) ?

  • Hi,

    looking for a good way to format text upon setting a text object to an Array i.e. on any touch>set text object to, 0) but the text object doesn't show the line break.

    I tried adding a line break in the actual paragraph in the Array but it disregards this upon setting the text object.

    My only thoughts are that it may be something to do with Token at or even Find expression but don't fully understand it myself...

    Thank you

  • OK thanks Newt

  • Hi guys,

    On touched Sprite X > trigger a list of actions, which take about 10 seconds to complete


    If touched Sprite Z after touching Sprite X and while those actions are completing stop those actions and complete a new set of actions...

    Can you stop actions within one event from completing?


  • Thanks mate.

    I just checked, it was set to global but as you suggested it works to add a global variable to prevent ajax from reloading the dictionary file everytime I reloaded the layout. The Dictionary condition check is empty/not empty didn't work for some reason but yeah, the global variable did so all is well!


  • Hi guys,

    I've got my dictionary to work just fine. However, when I exit the layout and return to the layout all the values and keys within the dictionary have disappeared/reset.

    What am I missing? I figured that the dictionary was like a global variable that remained consistent when switching layouts etc.

    How do I get dictionary values to remain when going from layout to layout???


  • Super. Massive thanks will be sure to credit you when used.

  • Super. Massive thanks will be sure to credit you when used.

  • Hi people,

    I noticed that my web app is turning over about 50+ frames per second and this appears to be making the app a bit unnecessarily power hungry. Is there a way to set a maximum frame rate per second?

    I know there is a minimum framerate expression...


  • Headbang Games

    Hi one year on...

    Question: if you have a video (say a webm) on your server can you send an AJAX request to download the contents of that video to your project, which you can then play via Video player???

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Member since 2 Apr, 2018

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