Nice, that's some very nice artwork in my opinion! I love the style!
I think the text during the tutorial was a bit small on my mobile, otherwise worked great. Good job!
I know most people dislike that art style, or so thats the general feedback I get. A few ppl said "it looks like the result of a how to draw manga youtube tutorial"... which is TRUE.
Thanks for reminding me about the text, I forgot to change it when I updated the game for XDK.
I used a smaller spritefont to reduce the memory footprint on CocoonJS, a lot of my spritefonts only take a 256 x 256 sprite. If I made them larger, it would end up as a 512 x 512 or even 1024 x 1024.. when making a large game with CJS, you can't do that due to memory usage blow outs.
But for XDK, definitely its great! I'll change it in the next update.