Sorry for posting in the closed topics,
I was about to submit a bug report, but searched first and this is the same bug.
I see this is an old bug and this behavior is exactly what I've seen in my game, and what I was talking about a few days ago.
Every layout transition, the nw.exe process keeps growing larger and larger (~3-4MB), beyond all the assets of game so there's some kind of duplication in memory going on for recent used/destroyed assets. Basically that process never reduces in memory use, only grows larger over time.
After around 1 hour of play, the process gets to around 1.5GB of memory and the game starts to stutter. A close and relaunch resolves the issue.
Tested on both Chrome, NW10.5 and NW12.
If people's games are large enough, after multiple layout transitions, it could blow up to beyond the 32 bit OS limit of ~3.4GB memory (the rest out of 4GB, reserved for OS) and the game crashes as
Tinimations has encountered with Klang.
I suspect it is Chromium not releasing its cache as it should, under normal operations, it will release the cache once system ram limits are approached but it may not be functional for NW.JS/C2 usage.
Edit: Just tested in IE (Win 7 64 Enterprise). This behavior does NOT happen. The iexplorer.exe process caps out around 600MB, but it drops down lower based on the layout. It does not exhibit the ever rising memory usage issue. Destroying images will reduce the memory usage of the process according to the asset size. Thus, whatever is the problem is between C2 and NW.JS/Chromium.