99Instances2Go Yes, thanks! and much more in-depth than what I was expecting.
Sorry about not having keyboard input, had it at the beginning but went through several transitions so opted for now to keep it only for gamepad.
I'm not using a loader layout because so far is only a test_bed for different mechanics. In the future the test layout will be my loader layout if that's a good practice, not sure I'm doing it in the right order lol.
I didn't realize PlayerDetect object had to be to global, but now that you point it out, it would make sense. They are created in the Player Ini section and also in main where I set the initial position for PlayerDetect. Then Player containing animations is set to the controller position.
You are right, lerp is horrible, and I didn't even know why lol. Now I'll check a better solution.
Like I said, really good explanation, so now it seems very clear to me. Thanks for your time!
And if you failed to see where I initialize the Player maybe is because I didn't follow a correct way of doing it. It might be kind of messy, even if I try to keep it organized.