Ikkim201's Recent Forum Activity

  • i also have a similar problem with this.

    but the capx mention above cannot be found anymore

    can someone help me?

  • thank you!!

  • hi guys! it me again haha

    i was wondering if how can you make a function where if i hover my mouse over a object.

    the image and the information about the object will appear in a textbox.

    and if i wasn't hovering it would disappear.

    it is simple though i have problems with it.

    kinda new to construct 2

    i would be appreciated if someone replied asap ty

  • oh, tnx!

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  • hi, my name's Ace.

    I just downloaded construct 2 yesterday. it was really great to use this.

    now my problem is that how can i save my progress in the game and load it?

    there will be a save button in the upper right of the layout if the player wants to save their progress.

    then when they load it in the main menu, it will load where they saved their progress.

    and when they save again their game. it will only overwrite their last saved game.

    still got more questions. but i'll be glad if you can answer this one for now.

    thank you for helping me!

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Member since 22 Feb, 2018

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